For various reasons (not having a car during the day to run errands, only finding online lots of sugar-free thingies for Iain, who's diabetic, lots of friends and family who are out of town, etc.), I get lots of packages in the mail. This means our long-suffering mail carrier has to walk up my driveway a lot, because things won't fit in the mailbox.
For a long time, I would say, "Thank you so much!" with a big smile, to which he'd respond gruffly, approximately, "Mmpf." And give me the stink-eye.
One day, not so long ago, he asked me, "You ever consider getting a bigger mailbox?"
"I have," I replied. "Of course, I'd probably order it online and you'd have to carry it up to the house." I grinned.
And my mail carrier laughed. A big, hearty laugh. He pointed at me. "Good one."
We get along just fine now.
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