Which is ironic for me, because my first kiss was with Doc Marten.
There are a few things I love about this article (like "much to their partner's annoyance, many women hang on old shoes, building up a sizeable collection by middle age, even if many go unworn most of the time"), but none so much as this:
An overwhelming 96 per cent of women said they regretted having thrown away a pair of shoes, while only 15 per cent felt sorry at dumping a boyfriend.What I love about it is how it's designed to convey to the casual reader, coming on the heels (pun intended) of the information that women remember their first pair of shoes more readily than their first kiss, that women are callous bitchez who care more about old shoes than old beaus. (Note the heterocentrism, btw.) But of course most people don't have regret at dumping exes. They're exes for a reason, after all.
"Only" 15% feeling regret says to me that women are making good choices.
But that's never considered a good headline, now, is it?
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