Dr. Nancy: —losing their healthcare. So what do you say to the average American who's played by all the rules, who can't have the same healthcare that you have, and you're one of our elected officials?Missing the Point Award.
Gregg:Well, uh, you know, if he, if he joins [laughs]—if he works for the government, he'll get the same I have. I mean, I have the same healthcare as a person who works for the Secret Service, works for the FBI, or works down at the local federal building. I mean, I don't have anything different than what an average federal [employee has].
Quote of the Day
"If he works for the government, he'll get the same [healthcare] I have."—Senator Judd Gregg (R-Elentlesslydouchy), offering some hot advice to uninsured Americans. I guess bigger government is the new Republican platform…?
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