Following is an excerpt from a moving tribute posted by Melanie, a friend and colleague of Deborah's:
Deborah Yesner was one of us; one of the original eight. She taught special needs kids in her real life. She worked all day — five days a week — at that thankless job. Exhausted, frustrated, underpaid, she’d come home and — how she found the energy I don’t know other than to say that it was a testament to how much she believed in what she was doing — she’d monitor Bill O’Reilly; The Factor. (Can you imagine doing that after a hard day’s work?) She’d spend an hour watching the show and then an hour or three posting about it — for four years — for no pay mind you, other than the pittance in donations we’d split among us every quarter. (ChrisBG, another member of our group, figured it out at one point: we were bringing in roughly 6¢ and hour for the hours we worked.)Every day that Fox News broadcasts is a day that we need someone as tenacious as Deborah to call them out on their bullshit.
Thank you, Deborah, for all you've done.
[H/T to BlueGal]
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