SYTYCD Open Thread was the final performances last night, and I'm just going to jump right into it. My favorite of the night was Kathryn's and Jakob's contemporary piece choreographed by Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson. Utterly amazing.

And my second favorite of the night (which, based on the judges' reactions might be controversial, although Iain and I both loved it) was Ellenore's and Ryan's jazz routine choreographed by Gerry Stewart:

I also loved seeing Ryan and Ashleigh dance together at long last, because I'm a big romantic sap. I thought the judges short-changed them a bit with their comments; with all the (well-deserved) gushing for Russell over doing so well out of his style, I thought Ryan and Ashleigh had earned the note that they were two ballroom dancers who danced a contemporary routine together beautifully. Iain, btw, yelled at Basil Rathboner for his "too'ally unnecess'ry!" comment that Ashleigh has more chemistry with Jakob than her husband.

I don't even care who wins at this point. I love them all.

[Thank you to Vance for the video.]

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