What the Method "Shiny Suds" campaign ad controversy really needed was for the fauxgressives over at HuffPo to ask "What's Your Reaction?" There's nothing I like better than to see news sites encouraging readers to weigh in on whether feminists and/or anti-rape advocates are taking the whole rape-is-bad thing a bit too far.
My favorite reader comment so far: "I sure hope the complainers but as much effort into stopping Bart Stupak and Ben Nelson as they did this."
The thing I like about it, aside from its being pregnant (pun intended) with the smugly confident assumption that we didn't, which is of course hilariously wrong, is that it's such an exquisitely perfect example of how the issue of sexual assault is casually dismissed as just another women's issue, lumped in with abortion rights and women's healthcare—y'know, stuff that doesn't concern men.
[Previously on the Method Shiny Suds Ad: Today in Rape Culture, I Write Letters, I Get Letters, Hysterical Bitchez, Well, I Guess That's Us Told, Wow.]
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