OMG Shoez

So, I had to get some new comfortable running-around shoez, which may or may not have something to do with a rant an exhortation from someone who may or may not be my husband that "Ye canny walk two gooddamn feet in moosta the shooz ye oon!" I should treat my arches to some TLC.

After some Important Shoez Research, I received in the mail earlier today the Nike Women's Free Mary Jane SI Sail/Tweed, and, let me tell you, Shakers, they are like pillows on my feet! I love these shoez!

And because I love them, I pass on a hearty recommendation to you. I found mine on eBay, new in the box, for $25, but they're not egregiously expensive at the vendors who offer them online. (They also come in different colors.)

OMG Practical Shoez.

Okay, technically not practical until the snow melts. Obviously I just need to do some more Important Shoez Research into OMG Practical Winter Shoez. Baby steps.

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RIP Pajamas Media Blogging Nework

Wah wah wah.

There is much more discussion here of the sad demise of the finest thing to come out of blogging in the history of bloggery, although I daresay you'll be hard-pressed to find anything more poignant than the Anchoress' explanation that she will not participate in Pajamas Media TV because "the Lord's overgenerous endowment in my chestal area makes any notion of camera work unthinkable, particularly in HD where the girls might terrify some."

Maude bless our nation's fine conservative bloggers. *salutes*

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Welcome Aboard!

Boatboy, who is a frequent commenter at Bark Bark Woof Woof and here at Shakesville, has started his own adventure in bloggy goodness:

The View from the Docks

Go over and say hi and add him to your blogroll.

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Dispatch from Blogginz HQ

Hey all you Shakers, it's Kenny Blogginz here again, with another one of my Blogginz Bloggin' Blasts! Sorry about not posting in 10,000,000 years, but I've been super busy with community college.

Anyway, just thought I'd whip up a post to let all you fanz know I wasn't dead, and share one of my Amusing AnecdotesTM!

So I was at McDonald's, eating quality food, when all of the sudden, my good friend (let's call him Jeff Goldblum) said, "Don't look now, Kenny Blogginz, but there's a baby right behind you that looks exactly like disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich!"

Naturally, I just had to see this with my own eyes. Sure enough, there was this baby with a gigantic pompadour of combed-to-the-side brown hair, probably goo-ing and gah-ing about the price of vacant senate seats and how he was just like Gandhi!

[Blago Baby Dramatization]

In closing, next time you're about to ask Rod Blagojevich the tough questions on national television, make sure he's not actually a baby.

I think that's what might have happened on The View.

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Take A Moment

For those of you buried under ice and snow...

Sombrero Beach, Marathon, Florida
(click pic to embiggen)

Relax and imagine yourself basking in the sun or enjoying the warm breeze in the shade for a few moments before going back to work or braving the cold.

PS: I also put this up as a commemoration of the first anniversary of the production of Can't Live Without You at Manhattan Rep in New York. This picture was used as the publicity poster.

Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

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Happy Birthday, SKM!

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
You look like a purveyor of the radical feminazi agendaaaaaaa!
And you smell like one, too!

(Mmm, lavender!)

I must admit, I was looking for an altogether different cake when I stumbled across this beauty. And upon laying eyes one it, my search was over. Mr. Tom Selleck and the chestiest cake evah won the day. Big time!

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The Virtual Pub Is Open

TFIF, Shakers!

Belly up to the bar, and

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Steele to Head RNC

We see your black president and we raise you a black Republican National Committee Chairman!

(The GOP is evidently as good at poker as they are at everything else.)

No word on whether Steele is a Magic Negro, too.

ETA: In all seriousness, and despite the fact that Steele regularly provides the GOP cover for its racist bullshit (like the aforementioned holiday CD fiasco), I think this is, on balance, a good thing. It's not that Steele's positions aren't objectionable; they are. But they are no more objectionable than any of the other men (yes, all men) who were in the running for this position. (And, in some cases, they are less objectionable.)

It matters that there are visible people of color in top leadership posts of both parties at the same time. That's important for this country, and it's more than just a symbol. It's one of the millions of little things that will fill in that oft-referenced void in which abuse of marginalized peoples happens.

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Shaker Kathy emails:

I found this in the comments to the Katha Pollitt piece you linked this morning. The CIA is handing out Viagra so the chieftains can get it on with their "much younger" wives, and in return they give information on militants. But God forbid we should fund family planning for low-income women in this country.
I also like this: "Chieftains are offered health checks before being offered Viagra to ensure the excitement is not too much for them." Meanwhile, Krugman writes today that "the United States is the only wealthy country in which the economic catastrophe will also be a health care catastrophe—in which millions of people will lose their health insurance along with their jobs, and therefore lose access to essential care."

Is this week over yet?

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Rape Culture: Hell's Kitchen Edition

Does anyone here watch Hell's Kitchen, Fox's garish, ugly take on Top Chef? Season Five premiered last night and we were introduced to the Tool Academics that are this year's contestants. It's your typical crew of self-important, deluded gourmet wanna-bes and as per usual there are at least a couple (or three, or four, or twelve) misogynists in the bunch. And right off the bat we're introduced to a real winner. Giovanni, an executive chef from Florida, in his little get-to-know-me moment confesses he has quite the way with the ladies:

When I first started cooking, it was an easy way to get a girl to my house. Instead of taking 'em out to dinner, I could get 'em home—food is an aphrodisiac, then you pour a little wine onto that, and then you go on to the next [pause; smarmy grin] level.
And there it is, about five minutes into the episode, and we've a man practically admitting he rapes women, and it is presented unquestioningly, unblinkingly, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. It should be shocking and surprising to me, to everyone really, but it isn't. Rape culture: you're cooking in it.

[Rape Culture: We're Soaking In It—Parts One, Two.]

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Today In Vile, Offensive and Stupid

Why, yes, that is a shifty-eyed President Obama, sending a (white) woman, against her will, to a "Mengele-esque" abortionist (who's covered in blood, don't you know, and standing next to a cash register). Note the newspaper with the headline "Gitmo To Close" as the obviously distraught woman fetus** asks, silently, "Couldn't you just waterboard me instead?"

How in the fuck does one's world view become so distorted, so detached from reality, that this is how they see Obama's election to office? Forced abortions in pursuit of cash while terrorists are allowed to run free? Really?

For fuck's sake.

(Via Lawyers, Guns and Money.)

** Updated to add: As pointed out, the fetus is the one asking to be waterboarded, not the woman. She, as per usual, "has absolutely no voice at all," to quote commenter GypsyLee. And since several of you have asked, the above is by cartoonist Glenn McCoy of the Universal Press Syndicate.

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Buddy, I Got Your PMS Right Here

When last we visited with Freakonomics, they were comparing prostitution to rice consumption. Today, Stephen Dubner introduces his readers to a tracking tool for men to keep tabs on the menstrual cycles of the women in their lives:

A Menstrual Site for Men

That's how pitches itself. To wit: is a free service created with a single goal in mind: to keep you aware of when your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, or any other women in your life are closing in on "that time of the month" - when things can get intense for what may seem to be no reason at all.
Note that they are smart enough to not include "employees" in the list of women to keep an eye on.

Is there anything the internet can't do?
Yes. Be free of misogyny.

With regard to Dubner's commentary, I love how he takes care to point out the wisdom of excluding employees "in the list of women to keep an eye on," which not only implicitly suggests that all men are employers and all women employees (female bosses? zuh? twenty-first century whaaaaat?), but also makes one positively giggle at the thought that there's hardly a need for to make the suggestion when there are bloggers at the New York Times to do it for them.

And with regard to the premise itself, specifically the idea of "things [getting] intense for what may seem to be no reason at all," I will merely direct you to this old post, in which I explain that women who suffer irritability as a symptom of PMS are not losing their shit for no reason. PMS does not lower one's ability to reason; it lowers one's patience and, hence, tolerance for bullshit.

Perhaps I should launch a menstrual site for women: The PMSBuddyBuddy—a free service with a single goal in mind: To give the wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, daughters, and other women in the lives of douchebags using the PMSBuddy a place to explain what those self-centered assholes are doing day in and day out that's driving them fucking nuts, i.e. the reasons that "things can get intense."

Like signing up to a social networking site and finding a de facto friend waiting for you, each user at PMSBuddyBuddy will have "He uses PMSBuddy" automatically generate at the top of her list.

[Thanks to Shakers Emily and TJ for passing that along.]

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Shaker Gourmet: Roast Veg Stew

Our recipe this week comes from Shaker JoAsakura, who adds that is is also known as: "Crap. I have a crisper drawer full of produce about to go off."

Roast Veg Stew

Ingredients part 1: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots tomatoes, squash - any varieties. Red bell peppers (, Parsnips or turnips or beets work well too ;) Basically whatever you might have on hand. I usually use one or two of each. Peel and cube. Preheat oven to 450 deg. F. Toss veg with a little bit of olive oil, sage, pepper and salt. Pop on a baking tray and let roast in the oven for 30 minutes. (or less. After about 20, you might want to check, since all ovens are different)

Ingredients part 2: a couple of good handfuls of spinach and/or mustard greens/broccoli/kale/etc., 1 12 oz. can of crushed tomatoes, 1 cup of veggie broth, 1 cup of dried lentils (optional, but great), spices to taste.

On stovetop, saute up some broccoli or spinach (or any mixture of strong, tasty green things) with some garlic and onion. I usually use about three cloves worth of garlic and roughly the same amount of onion. When everything is wilted and/or golden, empty both the can of tomatoes and the broth into the pot and stir well. add lentils. If
you have dried mushrooms on hand, they're great to crumble in this. A dried chile pepper is great too, if you've got one. Neither is necessary.

I spice this by scent, really. My usual mix includes herbamar, smoked paprika, dried mustard powder, and pepper.

When the veg in the oven are done (browned edges, all the potatoes are soft, etc.) dump them into the pot with the other ingredients and cover and let simmer for about half an hour more.

If it's too thick for your needs, extra water or veg broth will not harm it.

It's great in a bowl with rice, spooned onto tortillas (teff or corn in my case), or mixed with scrambled eggs in the AM!
If you'd like to participate in Shaker Gourmet, email me at: shakergourmet (at)

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Facepalme D’Or: “Structured Water”

Happy Friday, Shakers! It’s time for me to make a cup of tea, look back over my week, sift through all of the gobsmackingly, facepalmingly stupid things I have encountered, and award my Facepalme D’Or—the award for the flat-out dumbest thing a person or media presentation has tried to foist off on me this week.

So, in honor of President Obama's pledge to restore science to its rightful place, I award the Facepalme D’Or to Elysée Cosmetics for its “structured water complex”. I encountered this risible concept during a brief, lamentable exposure to the Home Shopping Network (HSN). I cannot find the relevant snippet of this HSN skin-care ad on YouTube, but Elysée's website repeats the same gobbledygook:

Structured Water Complex: Different waters resonate at different energy frequencies. Some of these frequencies are better at penetrating through the cellular wall tissue than others. Hexagonal structured water is proving to be the best. Similarly, cell wall tissue resonates at varying energy frequencies, this relating to age, location and condition of the cell tissue. Some of these frequencies absorb water easier than others. When water, with energy frequencies best suited for absorbing into the cell, is coupled with energy frequencies most successful in penetrating the cell wall, the result is more rapid hydration of the cells, than with regular pH balanced water. Structured Water technology utilized in our entire line of products combines energy signals with anti-aging ingredients to achieve the best available results. The task is to allow water to penetrate the cell wall easier (with less resistance) producing faster hydration of the cell tissue.
Codswallop. Notice the classic pseudoscientific gambit of vaguely referring to real scientific concepts, taking them out of context, and giving them groundless applications. In this case, Elysée invokes the concepts of nuclear magnetic resonance and cell signaling/signal transduction, and abuses them to hornswoggle the scientifically illiterate among us into buying $60-an-ounce water.

Like the Nobel Prize, the Facepalme D’Or can be shared. I therefore include all makers of contraptions for "changing the structure” of drinking water (I'm looking at you but will not link to you, Water Vitalizer Plus); high-dollar "clustered" bottled water (for shame, Zunami!), and Max Huber Research Labs, who continues to use its “deconstructed water” in Crème De La Mer products, even after the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority found there was no scientific evidence to support the company’s claims back in 2002.

No, medicine shows and their snakeoil are nothing new. But these particular hucksters are hiding behind science, and science has a lot of recovering to do after Bush's fondness for censoring scientists and eliminating scientific oversight, so I'm in a zero-tolerance kind of mood.

There's more about “structured” water and pseudoscience by chemist Stephen Lower, who has written a handy website debunking this whackaloonery.

And, check out ScienceBlogs’ Rightful Place blog.

Feel free to leave your own personal Facepalme D'Or nominees in comments.

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Daily Kitteh

"Leave me alone. I'm watching my shows."

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Quote of the Day

"I'm going to be urging—in fact not urging, demanding—that the Treasury Department figures out some way to get the money back. This is unacceptable."Senator Chris Dodd, on the $18.4 billion in bonuses handed out by Wall Street financial firms even as taxpayers are bailing them out. It's one of the largest ever bonus pools during some of the worst ever losses in the securities industry.

President Obama is urging them to be responsible and "show some restraint and show some discipline." Uh, yeah. If they were capable of that, we wouldn't be bailing them out in the first place.

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For the Top Chefies...

Chef Jeff McInnis is not your sex object.
I'm not going to change the way I cook because of one person's opinion. My opinion about Tom Colicchio's food is that it's extremely boring. I've been to his restaurant. His chicken dish on his menu is roasted chicken with roasted potatoes, thyme and olive oil. If I want that, I'd go to my grandmother's house.

...I think the show used me as some kind of sex object. Every single show that I've ever seen, they have me with my shirt off in the beginning — which is kind of strange. I don't run around the house naked half the time like they portrayed me. It seems like a camera was always following me around trying to find me whenever I'm taking my clothes off to change in the morning or at night. So, to be used like that is always fun.
Well, that's certainly the most interesting Jeff's ever been. If only he had shown this haughty, hubristic, slightly delusional side of himself on the show, maybe his knives would still be unpacked in the Top Chef kitchen.

I always knew there was some fire lurking behind that carefully-maintained anger management veneer, but see what happens when you refuse to let loose the crazy? You lose out to badly cooked veal and an Italian accent.

Lesson learned, Chef Jeff.

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Blue Dogs and Token Republicans

I was going to write about the Blue Dog (i.e. conservative) Democrats starting to make obstructionist noises, and about Obama reportedly seeking a Republican for his cabinet (which is being reported as if he didn't already appoint whiny-ass jerk and former congressional Republican Ray LaHood to as Secretary of Transportation), but Digby already wrote this post about both, so just go read that.

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I Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep won Best Female Actor at the Screen Actors Guild Awards the other night for her role in Doubt, and I loved her acceptance speech. For one, she's funny, which, of course, women aren't supposed to be. For another, she celebrates other women, including her competitors, completely defying the Girl Math. And finally, she is humble without discounting her own accomplishments, which is an excellent model for lots of women, who—by virtue of an absence of examples of simultaneous female leadership and humility—have a difficult time talking about the things they do well without minimizing their importance. (Raises hand.) Meryl Streep is a trailblazer on many paths. I boundlessly admire her.

Thank you, everybody. Well, I didn't even buy a dress! I'm really, really, really shocked! And even though awards mean nothing to me anymore [grins, pants nervously and excitedly], I'm really happy. [laughs] Okay, I want to thank, oh, so many people—Miramax, Daniel Batteck (ph), and especially Scott Rudin, who just goes out of his way to find interesting things for everybody to do, especially the girls!

And, oh! Can I just say there is no such thing as the "best" actress? You know? There is no such thing as the "greatest living actress." I am in a position where I have secret information, you know, that I know this to be true. I am so in awe of the work of the women this year—nominated, not nominated. So proud of us girls!

And everybody wins when we get parts like this. Thank you to John Patrick Shanley for writing this amazing piece. Thank you to Philip Seymour Hoffman, who is just the most fun to work with and the most—he sets such a great example to all of us of how to live your work with integrity and imagination every time, every time out. Thank you to the glorious Amy Adams—so funny, so real. The gigantically gifted Viola Davis—my god, somebody give her a movie!

Wow, I'm sure I've forgotten everybody. Joseph Foster, all the kids, Helen Stenbourg (ph), Alice Drummond, all the cast, thank you to the Sisters of Charity, thank you Sister Peggy—big hug to everybody there. Your, your love, and your work, is so inspiring, was so inspiring to all of us. Okay, I gotta get off! But thank you so much—I really, I really do appreciate this. Thank you, actors! [blows a kiss] Love you, love you.

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Women Transform Welsh Politics

I've frequently written (e.g. here) about the importance of diversity in government and the relationship between inclusion and the centering of minority and/or marginalized issues. There's an interesting story at the BBC today that provides a brilliant real-life example of the effects of gender parity:

The almost equal gender balance [47% since May 2007] of AMs in the Welsh assembly has transformed how politics in Wales is conducted, according to a new report.

…The report quotes an anonymous male Labour AM who says: "It makes a difference to the culture in which group meetings are conducted, as I've said we have fierce disagreement in group meetings but it is conducted with the complete absence of chest thumping and table thumping."

The AMs interviewed as part of the research agreed that women had an impact on the type of policy issues that were debated. More emphasis was given to what one AM referred to as "non-traditional areas".

They said: "Domestic violence is on the agenda, equal pay is on the agenda and all those kinds of really important issues that probably wouldn't be there if there wasn't such a high number of women."

Researcher Charlotte Aull Davies from Swansea university said: "The culture, the way debates are conducted, the language used and the policies that are prioritised are linked, by almost all AMs, both to the gender balance of the assembly and to the fact that it is a new institution."
That list bit meaning, of course, that it's not such an entrenched boys' club that institutional misogyny can be disguised as "tradition."

Maybe I'm reading something that isn't really there, but it seems to me that the male assembly member quoted seems almost relived to be free from the obligation of beating his chest. If he were, I wouldn't blame him. I've been the only woman working on an entire floor of men in an advertising firm, and that shit is exhausting even to watch.

[H/T to Shaker chaos_monkey.]

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Friday Blogaround

Seriously, Shakers, learn to blogaround.

Recommended Reading:

Jill: A Story in Pictures

Kevin: Oscar Grant Punched in Face before Being Shot

Rebecca: Is it Justice Yet?

Marcella: Judge Unimpressed by Rapist's Excuses

Boehlert: The AP's Thursday Train Wreck

Avedon: In the Weeds

Leave your links in comments...

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(How to Be) Impossibly Beautiful

Today, the always-responsible Daily Mail covers the "Jessica Simpson Weight Controversy" in its typically ghoulish way (under the headline "Thighs the limit as Jessica Simpson squeezes into skin-tight leather trousers")—and I warn you that clicking through will expose you to some serious fat-hatred, long before you even get to the comments, so click judiciously.

The reason I mention it at all is because it includes a "before and after"-style image juxtaposition of Simpson that is meant to illustrate how far she's fallen…

That's what we're really talking about here. The difference between those two photos.

(One of which, let's note, is an airbrushed publicity shot and the other a candid shot.)

On the left, "every man's" fantasy. On the right, a disgusting, sloppy, fatass wreck that inspires editorial representation like this:

Perspective has left the building.

Speaking of perspective, now here's the really interesting part from the Daily Mail article:
[Simpson] spent months sculpting her body to play Daisy Duke for the 2005 big screen version of Dukes Of Hazzard.

She endured two-hour workouts six days a week with personal trainer Michael Alexander, who sculpted her physique with a combination of running, squats, lunges and weight-resistance exercises.

She also followed a South Beach Diet-style low-carb, high-protein menu which featured grilled chicken, fish and green vegetables.
Got that? Even eating a strict diet, Simpson had to work out two hours a day, six days a week to attain the physique she's now being crucified for no longer having—and it's evidently a perfectly reasonable expectation that she do it for the rest of her life.

Simpson didn't need that rigorous regime because she needed to lose lots of weight: She just had to get to Daisy Duke from where she is now—which used to be considered enormously hot, until she made an extraordinary effort to make her body do something it doesn't naturally do. Now she's lambasted for refusing to maintain it by dedicating at least twelve hours a week of her life just to working out, a schedule she called "emotionally destructive."

And in this very article, stuck right between the paragraphs detailing that demanding routine and the paragraphs reporting Simpson's heartbreaking description of it, is this:
But following her recent weight increase, it appears Jessica has been indulging herself over the Christmas and Thanksgiving period.
Yes, that's right. She's just a voracious pig.

By the way, it was just over a year ago that Jessica Simpson was too skinny.

To every Shaker who reads this: Be healthy. Be happy. Remember that perspective has left the building. And know there is at least one other person on the planet who does not give the tiniest, infinitesimal fuck what you look like and thinks you are beautiful just. as. you. are. because everyone looks hot holding a teaspoon.

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Senate Passes SCHIP

With President Mondo Fucko no longer around to veto it, the Senate has "overwhelmingly approved legislation yesterday to provide health insurance to 11 million low-income children, a bill that would for the first time spend federal money to cover children and pregnant women who are legal immigrants. ... The House approved similar legislation on Jan. 14, and President Obama is expected to sign a final version as early as next week."

The bill is being paid for by "raising the cigarette tax from 39 cents a pack to $1." Back when I was still a smoker, I would have happily paid extra for my habit to provide healthcare to poor kids.

I'm guessing the (hugely Republican) tobacco industry does not share my enthusiasm.

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Just Not "Manly" Enough

by Shaker BGK, who would like you to know that in addition to reading Shakesville, working as an engineer, and dreaming of David Boreanaz, he finds time to beat as many RPG villains as possible.

The world of the American trading floor is a privileged world of privileged manly men. Ryan Pacifico, a rich, heterosexual, white, able-bodied, cisgender man, fit in well in this privileged manly man's world—until the day his radical beliefs were revealed.

You see, Mr. Pacifico does not believe in eating animals, which led him to the extreme position of choosing for himself to not eat meat. As you can imagine, this drastic vegetarianism inevitably led to an utterly devastating occupational conflict: His manly boss wanted to eat at a steak house, dammit!

And because he is a manly man, his boss reacted to the untenable situation of being asked to accommodate a vegetarian employee not by suggesting going to a restaurant that would serve both steaks and a hearty portabella mushroom, nor by choosing to attend a spicy Indian Restaurant with epicurean delights to please even the most particular gourmet.

No, no, dear Shakers, his boss did the only logical thing to do in this situation. Allegedly, Robert Catalanello repeatedly referred to Mr. Pacifico as a 'homo', and trumped up charges for him to be fired.

Naturally, the strict vegetarian gave other warning signs of his flagrant homosexuality. When participating in a triathlon, Pacifico had the audacity to wear tight shorts. Everyone knows that baggy pants are the standard threads for this event. Clearly further evidence of his being a vegetarian homo!

"It's his fault for being a vegetarian homo," Catalanello is accused of saying.

The suit also charges that the boss crudely poked fun at Pacifico last March during a conversation about steakhouses.

"You don't even eat steak, dude," Catalanello is accused of saying. "At what point in time did you realize you were gay?"
Here we see demonstrated the core tenets of this boss (and steak-eating manly men everywhere): If you are not the same as us, you are not our equal; you are less than.

In this case, less means "gay". Because it is not considered manly to decline to eat red meat, ergo the decliner is less manly, and is therefore gay. To go all Programming Brain on y'all:

#include = patriarchialstandards.h
If malehuman != Manly then
male human = Big Homo
do {'Humilitate'};

This falls back to the intersection of Sexism and Homophobia. The 'power' behind the queer insult derives from insinuating that the insultee is less than a man so therefore the guy must be a women. However since the insultee does have male genitalia, the insulter uses the queer insult. As with any intersection of gender and sexuality, people who are transgender are ignored and tacitly insulted as well.

But as we all know, and as the comment section of the Daily News is quick to point out, this is all just a joke. From the comment section:
"People sue for everything now a days. Toughen up, it's the environment you are in. This guy probably is gay."
Because the lives of all the women, vegetarians, GLBTQI, and progressive heterosexual men of the world are just big jokes.

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Buh-Bye, Blago

I've got a new piece up at CifA about Blago been dispatched to the political hereafter:

The 59-0 vote to remove Blago from office is ultimately less interesting than the 59-0 vote taken immediately thereafter, which bans him from ever holding public office in Illinois again. It's exceedingly unlikely – even in Illinois, even in a national political culture that loves a comeback, even in a country where Tom DeLay can still be invited to talk shop on cable TV news – that Blago's career would have been resurrected by the electorate, so the vote, while providing a tidy bit of insurance, was, perhaps, mostly symbolic.

It's nonetheless a sweet bit of lemon juice poured into the wound of the oxygen-sucking Blago, whose love of attention sent him running to every plugged-in microphone and camera in a three-state radius and found him accepting the bizarrest of chat show invites, oft with amusing results, like tucked in amongst the women of The View with the jaunty demeanor of an Ocean's Eleven cast member with a new film to promote. For a man whose most fervent desire is to be seen, to be heard, to be important, the cruelest cut of all is not being asked to leave, but being relegated to oblivion.
Read the whole thing here.

And while you're over there, take a moment and read Katha Pollitt's piece about the removal of family planning funding from the stimulus bill.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime


This one's got Maverick's theme song:

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Blog Note: Comment Ordering Weirdness

Recently, there have been some comment time stamping issues where comments would be displayed out of order (e.g., a reply would be showing up as older than the original quoted comment).

I've gotten word from the Disqus team that it was an issue with the clock on one of their servers being slightly off. Everything should be properly synchronized now, and this issue should now be resolved.

Thanks for being patient while they worked it out.

Carry on.

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Question of the Day

What part of your body is most beautiful/handsome?

"None" is not an acceptable answer. Go on and be radical and publicly love at least one part of your body!

I will be utterly boring and say my eyes, the shape of which I got from my mom and the color of which I got from my dad:

I also got my dad's brows, and if I did not spend egregious amounts of time in front of a mirror tweezing, I would have the best unibrow in all the land!

A close second is my excessively lined hands, which I find beautiful because they are unique.

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Blago: Out


The Illinois state senate on Thursday convicted Governor Rod Blagojevich of abuse of power, removing him from office amid charges that he tried to sell the U.S. Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama.

More than two-thirds of the 59 senators, acting as a jury following the two-term Democrat's impeachment on January 9, voted to find him guilty, effectively ousting him from office.

The vote was televised live from the state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Blagojevich is the first governor in Illinois history to be impeached and removed from office.
Good riddance.

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Tool Academics and Their Plaintive Cry for Feminism (Even If They Don't Know It)

So there's this show on VH1 called Tool Academy:

Transcript: A bunch of tools engaging in wanton megatoolery, to the quiet sounds of their beleaguered girlfriends' sobbing.
Now, here's the thing about Tool Academy: It makes what is quite possibly the best case for feminism in broadcast history. And not in the way you might think…

First, let me just say that the show is entertaining for all the reasons it was designed to be. The pretense upon which the guys were lured onto the show is hilarious: They thought they were competing for the title of Mr. Awesome. The chutzpah of showing up to compete as Mr. Awesome is priceless all its own; the reveal that they'd really been enrolled by their girlfriends in a boot camp for assholes called the Tool Academy was nothing short of brilliant—in no small part because, as Deeky said to me in an email after I encouraged him to watch the show: "I can't fathom how anyone, gay, straight, man, woman, would not only be in a relationship with one of these clowns, but actively fight for its continued survival." Indeed.

And there's no shortage of other jawdropping whatthefuckery to contemplate, eliciting laugh after laugh of utter disbelief. Their living quarters are called the Tool Shed. Each is identified onscreen during interviews with a nick like "Power Tool," "Tiny Tool," or "Loud-Mouth Tool." And none of it is remotely as embarrassing as the way they behave—as when "Slacker Tool" Tommy, during a challenge in which the men had to read assembly instructions to the women, who were tasked with putting together a bed frame, got pissed when his girlfriend got frustrated with him so he threw a recliner across a field.

She was trying to emasculate me—and you're not gonna show me up! I'm gonna break something and I'm gonna pick this heavy [bleep]ing chair up and I'm gonna throw it. And you're gonna like it, too!

But here's the thing: Aside from the show being totally entertaining because of the finest collection of douchebags ever assembled on one reality show (which is really saying something), it's also one of the most amazing exposés evah on how the patriarchy is just as bad for average straight men as it is for everyone else. (The Patriarchy: Bad for everyone who isn't a patriarch!)

The first thing you discover is that, emotionally, every one of those guys is a hot mess. They don't know what normal emotions are, repeatedly expressing shock that other people feel the same way they do—and they're constantly confused because the behaviors and coping strategies that work among men, at least men like them, (competitiveness, braggadocio, aggression, dishonesty, emotional suppression) don't work at all with women within the intimacy of a one-on-one relationship.

(Not that it would work with other men, either. And, as I'm going to guess is evident, every last one of these tools is ragingly homophobic.)

In the Tool Shed, they rate and talk shit about "their girls," brag about other alleged conquests during their relationships, and engage in other peacockishness, videos of which the women are shown in therapy sessions. Even after the tools know the women will be shown this stuff (and, hello, they're on a TV show, so they'd see it eventually someday anyway), they continue to do it. It's like a compulsion; it's the only way they know how to interact with one another. And when confronted by the women in therapy sessions, they get all defensive and bombastic and chest-beatery, which, of course, is the worst thing you can do in a relationship.

During the partnered challenges (as the bed assembly, above), the guys are endlessly vacillating between: 1.) trying to look cool and impress the other guys; and 2.) trying to focus on their female partners and give them what they need. Needless to say, their divergent attention results in failures of varying degree. But they can't publicly give or accept love/trust/affection, as long as there are other men around who might call them a pussy for it.

Basically, they haven't been taught or socialized in even the most rudimentary way how to have a functional relationship. And their lives are a total fuckjumble because of it.

It's actually quite compelling to see the tools trying desperately to reconcile what they're supposed to do around men with what they're supposed to do around women. They have no idea how to navigate between the two disparate spheres—and it's for the same reason they're huge tools in the first place: They have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the hyper-masculine role of the Alpha Male as defined by the Patriarchy, where manhood and masculinity is defined almost exclusively in contradistinction to womanhood and femininity.

Anything stereotypically female is eschewed for what is stereotypically male, meaning that all the qualities necessary for a successful and mutually fulfilling relationship—kindness, gentleness, generosity, nurturing, empathy, communicativeness, self-sacrifice, compromise—were long ago rejected out of hand as being unmanly. Tenderness and decency are for girls and queers!

…For whom, of course, the tools have nothing but contempt. And how is it possible to truly love someone you disdain?

It isn't.

The path to true (het) love leads straight through feminism. Which I always knew, but it's nice to have it so conspicuously confirmed. Even by a bunch of tools.

I'm certain that the show was not conceived for the purpose of making the case for feminism: Even many of the show's scenarios are crazy-makingly anti-feminist, e.g. when a couple wins a challenge, the tool wins a conjugal visit—although, in fairness to the women on the show, none of them have yet ended with sex, despite the tools' best attempts. And I'm fairly certain that the show's resolution will not be described by anyone as a feminist victory.

But my point isn't that the show itself is feminist; it's that the show pulls back the curtain on the damage that the patriarchal system does even to straight men, who are ostensibly its greatest beneficiaries—and, in doing so, exposes the desperate need for an alternative philosophy of sex and gender. It shows quite pointedly the very void we need to fill.

Maybe it's just the cultural anthropologist in me, but, at the moment, it's my favorite show to watch while I'm polishing my teaspoon.

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Daily Kitteh

KBlogz and Sophs get snuggly while watching Lost last night.

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Actual Headline

Jessica Simpson Steps Out Amidst Weight Controversy. Seriously. Because, as everyone knows, once someone deems you a fatty, you're supposed to shamefully hide your disgusting body away from public view, preferably in an attic or dungeon. If you're fat, you're not only meant to be unhappy, but deeply ashamed of yourself, projecting at all times an apologetic nature, indicative of your everlasting remorse for having wrought your monstrous self upon the world.

In solidarity with Jessica Simpson, I'm giving myself this headline for today: DAY 12,683 Fatwatch—Melissa McEwan Continues to Live Life as a Big Fat Fatty Boom Balatty!!!11!eleventy!!

Step out, Jessica. Fat, thin, whatever. Just keep on steppin', girl.


If you're not familiar with Jessica Simpson's "weight controversy," Bill Wolfrum will bring you up to speed here. Meanwhile, Page Six offers this helpful contribution: "In light of the mild hysteria surrounding recent pictures of 'Jumbo' Jessica Simpson, we felt it was important to the public discourse to provide photos of 50 fat celebrities." Their list includes, I shit you not, Clay Aiken. Sob.

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More Matthews

My Cif piece on Mr. Misogybag Hardballz has been reprinted over at RH Reality Check. And, in case you missed it, there's a follow-up here.

I really don't think I can emphasize enough how important it is to talk about how misogynist framing pollutes our discourse, and to name the most unapologetic purveyors of misogynist rhetoric in the mainstream media.

It is not acceptable. And, more importantly, it is not inevitable.

Contact MSNBC and let them know you object to Chris Matthews' misogynist framing on family planning.




The Chris Matthews Show

[Contact info c/o Media Matters.]

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Bill Kristol Is Not F@#king Matt Damon (But He Wants To Be)

After being called "an idiot" by Matt Damon, conservative warmonger Bill Kristol has agreed to debate the actor on said subject. Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart has even offered up $100k to the charity of Damon's choice should he agree to participate. I assume Breitbart is looking to humiliate Damon: If Damon doesn't accept the offer, he's denying some worthy cause a big fat check. And if he does accept, then Breitbart presumes Kristol will debate circles around the actor. Breitbart of course forgets that Kristol has been wrong about... well... everything he's ever said.

Personally, I think Damon should take the offer, force Breitbart to donate the $100k to the ACLU or the Matthew Shepard Foundation or someplace, and give Kristol the spanking he so rightly deserves.

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Save the Chickens; Objectify the Women

So there's this animal rights group (whose name I'm not even going to use in this post because I refuse to give them the publicity, but suffice it to say if you can name one animal rights group, it's probably them), and they really, really, really want you to stop eating meat—which is a fair enough goal, except for their habit of treating women like meat in their campaigns.

Their latest stunt just about beats all: They created an ad (which I will not embed), ostensibly to be shown during the Superbowl, featuring women clad in revealing boudoir apparel getting sexy with vegetables.

[Below image may be NSFW.]

There is no narration to the ad—just video of the women in compromising positions with various veggies, set to a metal porn soundtrack, and interspersed with three message cards reading, in all caps: "Studies show…vegetarians have better sex…go veg."

AlterNet's Isaac Fitzgerald, who's got the embedded ad in his piece about it if you really want to see it, notes that the studies on which the group is relying to make the claim that "vegetarians have better sex" actually just "link meat consumption to impotence"—which means that there is no relevance for women even in the research underlying this advert; in concept, imagery, and ultimately in message, women are nothing more than the promised reward for men who don't eat meat.

Dangling women as the cookie for meat-eschewing men, I don't guess I need to point out, is not merely misogynist, but heterocentrist, too.

Isaac, who succinctly notes, "Bottom line: [This group] has no business stepping on women's rights in the name of animal rights," also deftly deals with the probability that this group never intended nor expected, despite their protestations to the contrary, this ad to be accepted by the Superbowl advertising committee. Now they're relying on its totally predictable rejection of the ad to generate controversy and garner attention for their cause.
Despite being rejected by NBC for a Super Bowl ad slot, "Veggie Love" is being talked about by everyone from Whoopi Goldberg on "The View" to the New York Times (Whoopi actually went as far as to re-enact the ad with a lettuce head because ABC refused to let "The View" air "Veggie Love").

This type of buzz is, of course, what [the group] set out to accomplish with its risqué ad. Thanks to the Internet, a new type of marketing is quickly becoming popular. Called by some "parasite" or "leech-media tactics," the concept is simple: Create buzz for your product or message by creating a video that is controversial or provocative, release it online, watch it scream across the intertubes, and soon thereafter the corporate media.
Where, finally, the original message will be completely eclipsed by feverish dissection of "the controversy."

All of which, naturally, makes patently absurd the group's claim that the women in the videos are "choosing to stick up for animals who never get a choice when they are abused on factory farms and then brutally slaughtered, and we applaud our models, as well as all our activists, for exercising their freedom by speaking up for those who have no voice."

Would that the women in the video really were sticking up for animals and giving voice to the voiceless. But they're just players in a game in which their objectification serves no higher purpose.

And, even if it did, the rest of us didn't consent to the compromise on behalf of their crusade.

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Not Helping

Sam Adams is the openly gay mayor of Portland, Oregon. He's considered a rising star in the political world in the Pacific Northwest. Or he was until it was revealed that he had been dating an 18-year-old kid who was an intern in his office.

At first he denied it, then last week he fessed up.

The mayor admitted that he had lied about the affair, had smeared his accuser, and had urged the boy — a kid with the improbable name of Beau Breedlove — to lie as well. He did it all to get elected, he said.

“I want to apologize to the gay community for embarrassing them,” the 45-year-old mayor, now contrite, told his city last week. Three newspapers — including a popular gay paper — called on him to resign.

Sam Adams was the Great Gay hope. Mayor today. Senator tomorrow. And beyond?

“I personally gave Sam Adams my vote, my support, my friendship and my money,” wrote Marty Davis, publisher of Just Out, the city’s gay newspaper. “In return, he took my trust.”

So now, instead of breaking barriers, Sam Adams has stirred old hatreds. Daily, people have gathered outside City Hall to shout at one another and wave placards.



This week, after seven days of soul-searching, the mayor said he would stay on the job, though he faces a criminal investigation by the Oregon Attorney General.

“I know I have let you down,” the mayor said in a videotape message to the city. “And I ask your forgiveness.”
We all know that people, regardless of their sexual orientation, do stupid things. The fact that Mr. Adams is gay doesn't make him a monster because he had sex with an 18-year-old; it makes him an idiot who thought with the wrong head. And while I don't condone for an instant what happened between Mr. Adams and Mr. Breedlove, it isn't because of Teh Gay; it's because Mr. Adams was his boss and it's thoroughly unprofessional to fool around with subordinates. But I'm also pissed at both of them -- Mr. Breedlove is in on this too -- for once again reinforcing the stereotype that all gay men are predators on teenage boys -- thank you, Mark Foley -- and that we are somehow held to a different standard in terms of our political prospects because of it.

What Mr. Adams did was stupid and possibly criminal -- for the lying, at least -- but he shouldn't be banned for life from the political arena any more than if he had been straight and been sleeping with an intern who was of legal age and was female. If a straight man does it, he's a pig. If a gay man does it, all queers are pedophiles.

I'm not saying Mr. Adams should be given a free pass, but he shouldn't be banished, either, unless the same punishment is meted out to every man or woman in political life who does the same thing; i.e. Bill Clinton or Newt Gingrich. But what he did doesn't help the cause of gay equality. I doubt he was thinking about that at the time, but when you've made your mark as the mayor of the largest city in America with an openly gay man at its helm, it's time to learn to think with the right head.

HT to Timothy Egan.

Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

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Lost Open Thread

Last night's episode will be discussed in infinitesimal detail, so if you haven't seen it, and don't want any spoilers, move along...

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It's Official

President Obama has signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law, with Lilly Ledbetter standing at his side.

"Making our economy work means making sure it works for everyone," Obama said. "That there are no second class citizens in our workplaces, and that it's not just unfair and illegal — but bad for business — to pay someone less because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion or disability."

...Obama appeared before a jammed East Room audience, and his entrance and many lines of his brief remarks were met with happy applause and yells.

He paid special tribute to Ledbetter, who fought for the bill even though it won't allow her to recover any money for herself.

And in the room were the living symbols of this fight: Nancy Pelosi, first woman speaker of the House, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who took her pursuit of the presidency further than any other woman.
Thank you, Ms. Ledbetter. Thank you, Democratic Congress (and Republican women of the Senate). Thank you, President Obama. And thank you one more time, Ms. Ledbetter.

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When They Were Curvy*

by Shaker InfamousQBert

I read some very silly celebrity blogs, but make a point of staying away from the ones that make fun of people for being fat, sad, whatever, even as they may poke fun of the sometimes-ridiculous things celebrities wear.

That said, AYYY! does a "puzzle corner" every Monday and blurs out the faces of people in a similar theme (i.e. child star pics of current stars) and the reader's meant to guess who's who. Last week, they did one of women who are currently very twig-like, but once were curvier.

So, let's pretend we're playing the puzzle just like any old Monday morning. Do you think you recognize any of these stars? I'll admit, I only had guesses for a couple of them.

So, let's have the big reveal, shall we?

1. Renee Zellweger, 2. Nicole Richie, 3. Madonna, 4. Amy Winehouse, 5. Lindsay Lohan, 6. Jennifer Connelly, 7. Christina Ricci, 8. Courtney Love, 9. Teri Hatcher, 10. Sophie Dahl

And here are the same women today:

Now, I want to put a disclaimer out there that I'm not trying to body shame anyone here—fat, skinny, in between, or whatever words you prefer to describe yourselves. And, based on their older pics, I'd say that these are not generally women who are naturally this thin (though, of course, such natural changes can occur). I'm sure we all know at least one naturally extremely thin woman, and they get their share of shame (No boobs!) and guilt (Gawd! You're so lucky! I wish I could be that skinny!) from people daily. I'm not here to add to that.

The point I want to make is that these women have ALWAYS been beautiful. They were considered beautiful enough to be stars with their curves, so what made them think they needed to lose them?

What I want to know is: What changed? What happened between the '90s (when several of those pics were taken) and today? You can see evidence of the skinnying of hollywood over many decades, but it seems like it suddenly sped up to an extreme point in the last 10-15 years.

What are your takes on the social/political issues that have made this shift occur? My guesses include a lot of conservative blowback against the liberation of women, but I'dd really like to know what you think.


* Title unapologetically stolen from, the inspiration for this post. Cross-posted.

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Have I Mentioned Lately That I Love Al Gore?

Because I do:

Once Al Gore was a mere vice president, but now he is a Nobel laureate and climate-change prophet. He repeats phrases such as "unified national smart grid" the way he once did "no controlling legal authority" -- and the ridicule has been replaced by worship, even by his political foes.

"Tennessee," gushed Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican from Gore's home state, "has a legacy of having people here in the Senate and in public service that have been of major consequence and contributed in a major way to the public debate, and you no doubt have helped build that legacy." If that wasn't quite enough, Corker added: "Very much enjoyed your sense of humor, too."

Humor? From Al Gore? "I benefit from low expectations," he replied.
Because his lovely wit was always buried by a media who were intractably determined to cast George fucking Bush as the charming bloke in the election Gore ultimately "lost," even that little self-deprecating quip, hiding the genesis (and the catastrophic result) of those low expectations, makes me blub.

I will never recover from his not being my president.

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Where Are They?


The smackdown* last night between Joan Walsh of and Former Rep. Dick Armey got me to thinking about the number of Democrats who are showing up on TV to defend the president's stimulus bill... or the lack thereof. I'm not the only one who's wondering where they all are.

As Media Matters has documented, during the Bush administration, the media consistently allowed conservatives to dominate their shows, booking them as guests far more often than progressives. The rationale was that Republicans were “in power.”

It appears that old habits die hard. Even though President Obama and his team are in control of the executive branch and Democrats are in the majority in Congress, the cable networks are still turning more often to Republicans and allowing them to set the agenda on major issues, most recently on the debate over the economic recovery package.

On Sunday, conservatives began an all-out assault on President Obama’s economic recovery plan, with House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) both announcing that they would vote against the plan as it stood. Despite Obama’s efforts at good faith outreach, congressional conservatives have continued to attack the stimulus plan with a series of false and disingenuous arguments.

The media have been aiding their efforts. In a new analysis, ThinkProgress has found that the five cable news networks — CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business and CNBC — have hosted more Republican lawmakers to discuss the plan than Democrats by a 2 to 1 ratio this week:

Even MSNBC, supposedly the new voice of liberalism, is overflowing with Republicans. Maybe that's because they're up there so Chris Matthews can slap them down? (Yeah, right.)

Apparently the mindset goes something like this: when the Republicans are in charge, we need to hear from them because they're the majority and they're setting the agenda. Then when the Democrats are in charge, we need to hear from the Republicans because they're the loyal opposition and it's good for bipartisanship to hear what the other side is saying. Sheesh.

*Read Ms. Walsh's excellent post on her encounter with Mr. Armey here.

Update: Driving home from work I listened to NPR's All Things Considered. The lead-off story at 4:00 ET covered the stimulus vote and its future in the Senate. They interviewed a bunch of Republicans from the House, and Tom Davis, who isn't even a member of Congress any more, about how this won't hurt the Republicans. Then they moved on to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) about the bill's future in the Senate and how it would be impossible to pass the bill without 60 votes because of the threat of a filibuster. Sen. Grassley seemed downright cheerful about that prospect. No Democrats were heard from.

When they finished the interview, they moved on to a story about a dead body frozen in ice in an abandoned warehouse in Detroit.

HT to Digby.

Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

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Mike Pence is a Blithering Idiot

That's not news, of course, but this clip of his exchange with MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell about Rush Limbaugh is so absurd, and, at the same time, so astonishingly indicative of the intellectual and ethical bankruptcy of the Republican leadership, that it must be seen. Yglesias, quite rightly, says:

Mike Pence is a moron, and any movement that would hold the guy up as a hero is bankrupt. You can see my colleague Amanda Terkel for more of the specifics on this, but I would refer you to this post from September about the earth-shattering ignorance and stupidity of Mike Pence. He has no grasp, whatsoever, of public policy issues. And yet I can only gather from the fact that his colleagues have elevated him to a leadership post, that a large faction of them are actually so much stupider than Pence that they don't realize how dumb he is. But it's really staggering. In my admittedly brief experience talking to him, his inability to grasp the basic contours of policy question was obvious and overwhelming.

[Transcript below.]

The frightening, infuriating, and hilarious thing is that Pence quite genuinely doesn't appear to have any idea what an unmitigated ass he looks like asserting that Limbaugh is not racist immediately after being read a transcript in which Limbaugh says something wildly racist. The whole thing just does. not. compute.

He also seems to think Limbaugh really isn't racist. He's not clever enough to be spinning, and needs not struggle to maintain the thin veneer of dignity fought for by most politicos in a similar situation; Pence is, in fact, so thoroughly gormless he doesn't even realize he should be embarrassed. He actually believes what he's saying.

He is truly a fool. And he's the cream of the GOP crop. Shudder.
Norah O'Donnell: On another matter, I do want to ask you about Rush Limbaugh, because he has said, "I hope he fails," talking about President Obama, and Rush Limbaugh also said this, he said: "We are all being told that we have to hope Obama succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles, bend over forward, backward, whichever, because his father was black, because this is the first black president." Do you agree with Rush Limbaugh?

Mike Pence, R-Indiana, Inveterate Fuckneck: Well, let me speak specifically to what Rush Limbaugh said about America. Actually, I heard a little bit of him this afternoon. I mean, we all hope America succeeds, and, in that vein, we hope our president succeeds, and I think Rush Limbaugh, who I admire, and, like millions of Americans, I cherish his voice in the public debate, I think that is what he was saying, but what he was also saying was, where Barack Obama is going to pursue the implementation of campaign promises where he's gonna grow government, grow spending, depart from traditional values, or take positions with regard to our national defense that are antithetical to conservative values, we certainly hope there will be strong opposition from voices like Rush Limbaugh and from leaders here on Capitol Hill, so we appreciate his statement; I understand what he was saying, Norah, and, you know, we all hope our president succeeds, we all hope America succeeds, but that doesn't mean we're always gonna agree with what the best solutions are for the country.

O'Donnell: No doubt you can agree with Rush Limbaugh about that he is calling this stimulus package essentially a sham, what's going on, that it's just too full of wasteful spending, but on that specific thing, that we "have to bend over because this is the first black president," why don't you feel like you can denounce something like that? Are you so beholden to someone like Rush Limbaugh that you can't say—

Pence: Oh, gosh, Norah.

O'Donnell: —that's not the kind of rhetoric, when America's trying to come together, and do something for— The unemployment rate in your state of Indiana: Now 8.2%.

Pence: Right.

O'Donnell: Is that the type of rhetoric we need?

Pence: Well, look, Norah, I don't believe that Rush Limbaugh's got a racist bone in his body, and if you're suggesting that his statement had a racist element to it, I would commend you to, you know, a greater understanding of the positions that he's taken. He's a man that's about opportunity for all Americans, regardless of race, creed, or color, and I think that's why he's so admired and appreciated all across America.

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Stimulus Passes House with Zero Republican Votes

But I thought the era of bipartisanship was over!

Larger than the combined total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan so far, the two-year stimulus plan would provide up to $1,000 per year in tax relief for most families, dramatically increase funding for alternative energy production, and direct more than $300 billion in aid to states to help rebuild schools, provide health care to the poor and reconstruct highways and bridges.

But Obama's personal salesmanship effort failed to secure a single Republican supporter for the spending plan, which passed on a 244 to 188 vote. Just a day after the president spent more than an hour behind closed doors at the Capitol seeking their support, all 177 House Republicans opposed the measure, arguing that it would spend hundreds of billions of dollars on initiatives that would do little to stimulate the economy. Eleven Democrats opposed the bill.
Good thing the Democrats compromised on funding family planning to secure those Republican votes.

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Blog Note

I'm switching over to a new email address: melissa dot mcewan at hotmail dot com.

So please update your contact info for me and use that as my primary email from now on. Thanks!

(If you just click on the "email Liss" link in the sidebar, you're good. It's already been updated.)

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Sapphire and Steel

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Top Chef Open Thread

Chef Tom Colicchio will drink. your. milkshake!!!

He will also eat your liver with fava beans and a nice chianti. Oops, no. My mistake. That's Hannibal Lecter. Chef Tom Colicchio will make you a nice pâté served with a garnish of fresh mixed beans and a glass of the vintage wine of your choosing.

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Sphincter of the Day

Someone far ruder than I would say that Former Rep. Dick Armey of Texas lives up to his first name.

HT to TPM.

Cross-posted from Bark Bark Woof Woof.

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Question of the Day

If you could have any celebrity chef cook for you for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

(Or non-celebrity chef, for that matter. Introductions to unknown but brilliant chefs in your life also totally welcome!)

Naturally, I'd have to go with Stephanie Izard, currently reigning Top Chef.

[Inspired by this news item: "Obamas Hire Chef From Chicago: Sam Kass, a private chef who cooked for the Obamas while they were living in Chicago, is now cooking for them in the White House." Avoid rest of article, unless you want some hot new information on how the poor are obese because of "overabundance." Grumble.]

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I Hate Everything

CIA Station Chief in Algeria Accused of Rapes: "The CIA's station chief at its sensitive post in Algeria is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly raping at least two Muslim women who claim he laced their drinks with a knock-out drug, U.S. law enforcement sources tell ABC News."

Serious trigger warnings if you read the whole story at the link, which has details of the alleged crimes.

This is really shaping up to be a mega I Hate Everything day. If I weren't f@#king Matt Damon, I'd have gone back to bed.

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Daily Kitteh

Who wants catnip?

Me! Me!

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I'm In Ur Cultural Institutionz, Disarming Ur Middle America

When normalization* is cause for celebration (as opposed to the context in which I usually have to speak about it, e.g. the normalization of rape jokes or various prejudices):

Relevant transcript:
Pat Sajak: All right, you have over thirteen thousand dollars, including that trip to Lake Tahoe. Somebody broke through our security line (ho ho); who is that up there?

Male Contestant: That's my fiancée, Chuck.

Pat Sajak: Hey, Chuck!
Score another one for the Radical Gay Agenda.

[Via Andy.]


* Meaning to become so unremarkable as to not warrant notice, not to become "normal."

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From the Government Waste Files...

...comes this wonderful little tidbit about how the DHS spends its time and money:

The Department of Homeland Security recently sent out an entire book honoring former Secretary Michael Chertoff's "Select Speeches" from 2005-2008. The 315-page book contains 36 of Chertoff's speeches and press conferences (many of whichif not all — are most likely available online). ThinkProgress recently obtained a copy of the book and contacted DHS to find out how much taxpayer money was spent on the book’s production. However, we received no response.
Seems to me they could've spent a lot less time and money by simply referencing Liss' own compilation which, in my opinion, has a much better cover.

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Impossibly Beautiful

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something ewwwwwww:

I don't even know what to say anymore. Of course, what do I need to say? Just look at the fucking picture! Sigh.

This was featured, btw, on the extremely popular wedding site "The Knot," so millions of women could be informed that they should aspire to look like aliens on their wedding days.

[Passed on by Shaker Natbsat, who hat tips Photoshop Disasters. Impossibly Beautiful: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three.]

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I Write Letters

Dear Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi:

Rape is not a compliment.

Kindly fuck yourself,

P.S. Thanks to Cara.

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Wednesday Blogaround

These posts are making me jizz! in! my pants!

The Red Queen: A Safe Place to Live Should Be a Human Right

Jill: Ugly Women Are Hilarious to Powerful Men

Ginmar: Ah, the Suspense is Over!

Lisa: Equal Opportunity Offensiveness [trigger warning]

Renee: First Black Mayor Charles Tyson of South Harrison Township Forced to Resign

Nicola Melville: Out of Tune

Sweet Machine: Fat Is Contagious Again

Leave your links in comments...

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I'm F@#king Matt Damon

Once upon a time, I fell madly in love with Matt Damon because he called James Bond an "imperialist and a misogynist." Then he did a bunch of other shit that made me jizz in my pants. And now, he's taking me back to that place where we first fell in love:

"They could never make a James Bond movie like any of the Bourne films," Damon says scornfully. "Because Bond is an imperialist, misogynist sociopath who goes around bedding women and swilling martinis and killing people. He's repulsive."
—and he's bringing me flowers:
[T]he small talk -- if that's the right phrase -- ranged from which New York Times columnist is the worst (conservative William Kristol, according to Damon: "He's an idiot -- he wrote that we should be grateful to George Bush because he won the Iraq war. We! Won! The! War!") to the proper place of torture in American foreign policy.
—and he's serenading me:
"What we liked about Matt is that he's Harvard educated, so he's a very smart guy," says Hal Weiner, who with his wife Marilyn produces Journey to the Planet Earth, the PBS series Damon has narrated for the past eight years and was working on last week. "But he's also a little political."

The Weiners discovered just how political when Damon started arguing with them about some lines he was supposed to read in one episode, which said rising Chinese soybean consumption was leading to slash-and-burn farming in the Brazilian Amazon.

"He really objected," Hal Weiner recalls. "He wanted to make sure we were not just bashing China. We had to bring in some scientists to talk to him before he'd do it."

A lot of producers would have simply snapped that Damon was being paid to read lines, not write them, but the Weiners -- not exactly apolitical themselves -- were delighted. "I really loved it that he wasn't willing to just say something without it being confirmed," says a laughing Marilyn Weiner.
—so I'm f@#king Matt Damon.

I know what you're thinking: What about Iain? Don't worry about him. He's f@#king Matt Damon, too.

[H/T to everyone in the multiverse.]

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File This Under: Not Change I Can Believe In;
Cross-Reference With: Not Change At All

The irony…it burns:

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner picked a former Goldman Sachs lobbyist as a top aide Tuesday, the same day he announced rules aimed at reducing the role of lobbyists in agency decisions.

Mark Patterson will serve as Geithner's chief of staff at Treasury, which oversees the government's $700 billion financial bailout program. Goldman Sachs received $10 billion of that money.
Hello there, foxy. Welcome to the henhouse.

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It Does Matter

*crossposted at elle, phd*

My mom is visiting, which means my T.V. has been on some. I'm having quite the experience. On Sunday, she was watching Keyshia Cole's "The Way It Is." "The Way It Is" is a reality show centered around singer Keyshia Cole's life, but more broadly about a black family reconnecting after having been torn apart by poverty and addiction. Keyshia's sister, Neffie, was speaking to a group of black girls who were pregnant and possibly had high risk exposure to STDs. Neffie shared the story of her own repeated sexual abuse and assault that had begun when she was nine, then encouraged the girls to value their bodies and their sexuality.

One of the girls asked, "What do a female supposed to think, if they've already been touched by eight different people, so it don't matter if I have sex?"

That question, for me, embodied a number of issues, primarily the fetishization of virginity and the horrible silence surrounding the sexual assault of black women.

That girl, 18 and pregnant, believed that because she had "been touched," she no longer had the autonomy, the right to say no. Her "value" was significantly lessened because she was not "innocent."

Every black woman that the camera cut to in that room had tears in her eyes. A symbol of a collective knowing: According to the National Black Women's Health Project, 40% of us "report coercive contact of a sexual nature" by the time we're 18. (Note that's just what is reported.) And no matter our age, we are less likely than white women to report the assault, less likely to seek medical and psychological help.

There are a number of reasons for those facts. Black women have been characterized as "unrapeable" in our society, a stereotype that goes hand in hand with the one that paints us as "insatiable"—always sexually ready and available. These are characterizations that have a long history in the U.S., beginning with the classification of black women as (sexual) property during slavery.

In the aftermath of emancipation, white men justified their continued assault of black women by developing pseudoscientific theories that claimed African Americans were prone to "sexual madness and excess." Thus, while any sexual relation between black men and white women would "damage" white women (because of black men's aggressiveness and large penis size), black women, with their "deep" and "wide" vaginas and their voracious sexual appetites, could not be physically or emotionally hurt by rape.

Rendering black women unrapeable excused the widespread sexual assault and terror that black women and their families experienced during Reconstruction and afterwards. It also thwarted "emancipation"; as Tera Hunter asserted in To 'Joy My Freedom, "Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body."

For black women, then, there was no legal definition or protection: "'Rape,' in this sense," noted Angela Harris, "was something that only happened to white women; what happened to black women was simply life."1

This historic lack of legal recourse is but one factor that discourages us from seeking legal justice. Inviting police into our communities is an attempt fraught with danger—they might disrespect us, paint us as liars, dismiss the significance of our assaults, act violently against community members.

Then there are the barriers that African Americans experience in attaining medical and psychological care—our complaints are not taken seriously, many of us don't have health insurance, we are part of a community that has been regarded as "dirty" or "diseased," treatments and interventions have been typically based on the experiences of white women.

There is often a hesitance to bring negative attention to our communities. No, not because we're "obsessed" with appearances or not airing our dirty laundry, but because we know that we will be treated as a monolith, all cast as violent or criminal. And, so often, black women remain silent, even as Aishah Shahidah Simmons noted, at our own expense. (Also see related video at her site.)

Finally (though this list is not complete), there is the persistent stereotype of the black woman as somehow superhuman—able to "take it," tough, affected differently by assault than other women. Within my community, for example, assault and incest are cast as something that black girls and women just have to deal with. It is not just the victims of sexual assault remaining silent, but whole families and communities. It's as if it is "normal," it happens, there's little we can do, so we must learn to cope.

I wonder how much of that this young woman had internalized, this idea that it "just happens," that it's not a big deal.

And I wonder how much she has internalized the idea that her worth as a sexual being is totally defined by her status as "non-virgin."

When her mother was asked what she had taught her daughter about sex, she replied, "Not to have it." That is a response, I believe, rooted in the influence of religion in African Americans’ lives and a defense mechanism, an attempt to combat the persistent Jezebel stereotype that haunts black women. For example, in the first two minutes of this clip from "Luke's Parental Advisory, Luther Campbell not only tells his daughter to abstain under threat of disease, but also explains to her how many partners will put her in "H-O territory," delivering a double-threat of fearmongering and slut-shaming.

So, what happens when we do "have it?" How many of our parents tell us simply not to have it and leave it at that? I mean, there are plenty of people out there telling girls that having sex makes them "used" or "soiled," that virginity is a gift, something that belongs to a future husband long before they've even met him. Once it is gone, they are dirty and have nothing to offer. They are less desirable as partners.

They are worthless.

It's not as if exemptions are made for rape victims. Sure, people speak of rape as more traumatic, more damaging if the victim was a virgin, but survivors of rape are often characterized as damaged or irreparably harmed, less than whole.

Less, in general.

And, as has been so frequently discussed at Shakesville, the persistent conflation of rape with consensual sex means that young women, in particular, who have been told to "hold onto" their virginity and associate their personal value with it, don't make any distinction when they are raped before consenting to sex. They view themselves as diminished not only by virtue of their victimization, but also by having lost their highly-valued virginity. And they are left with no reason to abstain—because no one's ever given them any reason other than fiercely guarding their virginity.

So, what happens when we do "have it?" My black mother told me, "not to have it," too. But that is a woefully shortsighted reaction, especially given that kids who take chastity pledges tend to break them. For black girls, who are sexually active at an earlier age than other girls and who have higher rates of STIs, we need to answer the question.

We need to help them break the silence surrounding sexual assault.

We need to help them negotiate hostile health care institutions—black girls don't report engaging in riskier behavior than their peers, but barriers to health care prevent diagnosis and treatment of STIs in black communities.

We need to talk to them about healthy, guilt-free sex—when I read that teenagers who take chastity pledges are less likely to use birth control methods, it made perfect sense. Birth control requires forethought, an admission that you plan to have sex, something many teenagers who have simply been told "don't have it," can't do.

We need to tell them that no matter how many times they've "been touched," or how many partners they've had, they still have bodily autonomy, the right to say yes or no. That the language used to fetishize virginity—"saving it" or "giving it" to someone—is not accurate. Their sexuality, their bodies are their own.

We need to tell them that their worth is not tied up in their virginity.

I never want to hear another black girl say, "It don't matter."


1 Angela Harris, "Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory," Stanford Law Review, February 1990.

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