Remember when Michelle Obama wore that "flesh-colored" dress? And the fact that it was called "flesh-colored" was so fucked up in the first place, since it was a cream-colored "white flesh-colored" dress?I love (where love = loathe with the fiery passion of ten thousand suns) that the only reason they made any effort at all to employ a not-racist use of the phrase "flesh-colored" is to slut-shame and body-police a woman of color. (Check out the image captions, particularly.)
So imagine how excited I was when I saw an article that called a portion of Venus Williams' Australian Open ensemble "flesh-colored," and it actually meant the color of *her* flesh! Oh wait, that was the only cool portion of the entire article, which then goes on to include gratuitous ass and breast shots.
Gawd, the Daily Mail is such a disgrace.
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