In Which I Substitute an Email Conversation with Deeky for an Actual Post

Liss: Okay, it's totes awesome that Cindy and Meghan McCain are pro-same sex marriage, but why the eff does Cindy have a piece of duct tape over her mouth in a NOH8 campaign image?

I mean, I get that it's obviously supposed to be implying that NOH8 (no hate) will come out of her mouth, but doesn't that mean that nothing in support of same-sex marriage can come out, either? (Hard to be an ally that way. Whatever happened to "silence = death"?) And isn't it a vaguely disturbing message b/c of the association with violence against women? Or am I missing something?

Deeky: No. In fact, it is reminds me of those creepy anti-choice protesters:

Liss: OMG. Well recalled. And, in other news, Cindy McCain is not allowed to look like the 55-year-old woman she is, but is instead consigned to the fate of the Impossibly Beautiful.

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