What is the strangest factoid you have stuck in your brain?
I couldn't possibly narrow it down to one. My brain is clogged with so much trivia, random film dialogue, old locker combinations, 30-year-old commercial jingles, bong resin, and other crap that I'm constantly (affectionately) mocked by everyone close to me.
After I recalled in an email exchange with Deeky just a few minutes ago a particularly obscure bit of dialogue that he couldn't identify, he replied, "LOL! How the hell would I remember that? I saw that movie like thirty years ago!"
Liss: I remember it!
Deeks: Like that means anything, lint trap! Your brain catches everything! I'm talking about normal people.
Which made me LOL for realz, big time. I sounded like Snagglepuss, and then a donkey braying.
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