Every time I'm in the bookstore, and I visit the occult section, all I see is a big ol' giant wall of Oprah's magnum opus, The Secret. This is not an occult book; this a fictional children's story about positive thinking and there are no demons or dragons in it anywhere. (I won't be fooled again, Oprah! *shakes fist*)
All hilarious repartee aside, it genuinely frightens and enrages me to see so many copies of this book because it's one thing to find the power of positive thinking on your own, but quite another to have it declared the Official Book of the United States of America by the nation's Media Empress, who expects people to shell out $25 to gain access to a secret that amounts to "it's your fault that your life is so shitty."
What book, or author, you regularly see displayed in a bookstore annoys you every time you see it?
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