Radio Shakesville Call For Submissions

[I'm bumping this back up to the top for those who may have missed it yesterday. Keep those submissions coming!]

A while back I wrote a couple posts asking if any of you would be willing to contribute to a podcast made up solely of submissions from our community. The response, as a whole, was pretty positive.

Okay, so here's your chance. Send your original songs, karaoke recordings, audio collages, poems, rants, free jazz bass solos, whatever, to me via radioshakesville_at_yahoo_dot_com.

(Note, covers are cool too. Your work needn't be an original composition.)

Just FYI, I will only accept submission at the above email address. So if you've a link to your work, please send it to me (as opposed to just dropping it in comments.)

Also note, by submitting something to me, you're affirming it is your work. Don't send me some Mötley Crüe bootleg and tell me it's your band from high school. I mean, unless you're actually Nikki Sixx. In which case that would be okay, but I probably wouldn't include anyway. So don't bother, Nikki. Sorry.

And again, I'll listen to just about anything. I don't care if it's country or jazz or oboe sonatas or mash-ups or karaoke. (If you've listened to the show, you know it's all over the map, musically speaking.) Just submit something.

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