Today in (more) Fail

Opening a new bottle of soda, taking a drink, setting it down on the coffee table, then reaching over to shut your laptop and knocking the nearly-full bottle over onto the coffee table. The over-crowded-with-books-and-papers coffee table. The over-crowded-with-books-and-papers coffee table that has a glass inset that soda pours into so that there's soda everywhere on top and under the glass. The soda that erupts like a freaking volcano when you turn the bottle back upright.

Bonus: two extremely amused children who dance around the volcano-soda table like it's a Celebratory Occasion!™ to be marked by as much shrieking as humanly possible.

Bigger Bonus: two ginormous dogs who rush right over to get started on the cleaning while you run out to the kitchen to get cleaning supplies and manage to smear soda and dog slobber everywhere that didn't have soda (or dog slobber) before. Plus a cat who stares at you like you are a total glaik and why can't you have the grace and dexterity that a cat such as her should have in her human? Is that too much to ask, really?

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