Obama Seen as Anti-Business: "The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77% of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business."
Iain and I just laughed about this on the phone for like 10 minutes.
You know, since the '90s (thanks, Bill Clinton!), the Dems have been cozying up to corporations as much as possible, and all that awesome strategy has accomplished is to provide space for the Republicans to get even cozier with them and not look like the absolutely ruthless and soulless scum they would appear to be if the Dems were serving working (or looking for work) Americans. Instead, the Republicans just look like the slightly-more-evil of two evils.
The Dems still don't get that they'll never be able to out-corporate the GOP.
And by making corporate cronyism mainstream, by turning every American into someone who hopelessly sighs that every politician is bought and sold by some corporation or other anyway, they're just hastening this country's slide into fascism.
That's not to absolve the Republicans of their dirty deeds, but they were never going to be the Good Guys in this game.
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