There are still some issues being worked out on the site. I know that some people are still experiencing some technical problems, and some features are still missing, but we're working on it as fast as we can. Something in the code of our old template quite suddenly became incompatible with Blogger (as a result of a Blogger update), and we have been literally rebuilding the site over the past few days. Given that reality, we've had remarkable little downtime and few glitches, thanks to the combined efforts of Portly Dyke, Space Cowboy, Iain, and myself. And I appreciate your continued patience as we get everything working again.
Once we're reasonably sure everything's back in working order, I'll make a note, at which point you can let me know if you're still having unresolved problems.
My profound thanks again to Portly, Space, and Iain for their time and talents and hard work.
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