Important Announcement

If I have to listen to one more dipshit say they're rooting for the New Orleans Saints in the Superbowl "ya know, because of Katrina," my head is going to fucking explode.*

Because here's the thing: I keep hearing that saccharine, pithy, bullshit well-wishing for the inconceivably wealthy football players who play in the Superdome falling out of many of the same mouths I heard victim-blaming the poor, infirm, disabled, elderly, adolescent, infant, and/or otherwise unprivileged—or just fucking unlucky—people who were trapped in and around the Superdome in the aftermath of Katrina, hungry, thirsty, scared, unsafe, surrounded by the dead and dying, and swimming in a river of piss and shit.

No. You don't get to be indifferent to human suffering while it's happening, and then five years later go on about how you hope that town wins the Superbowl because of all that suffering, like you're some kind of compassionate hero.

If you can root for football players to win a fucking game, but can't root for your fellow Americans to be delivered from a waking nightmare no person should even have to contemplate, there's something deeply wrong with you.

And you really just need to STFU about your magical football hopes for NOLA. Because you're a jackass.


* No, I'm not talking about people who remark, quite rightly, that this is good for the city of New Orleans, economically and spiritually.

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