Not Migrants and Fatties

[Trigger warning for descriptions of sports-related injury.]

So, Iain and I both lurrrrrrrrve the Olympics, and we've been watching coverage of the Winter Olympics almost nonstop. And here's something interesting I've noticed: The NBC commentators talk incessantly about the various injuries that been sustained by the athletes. I've heard about countless sprains, ligaments, broken bones. I've heard about a ruptured Achilles tendon. I've heard about a speed skater who sliced into his own leg with his skate, and a figure skater who sliced into his partner's face with his skate. I've heard about the elaborate medical procedures that were done to repair these injuries, and the extensive physical therapy that some of the athletes have done to get back to their sport.

Some of the athletes are from the United States. Some of them are from other countries but were training in the United States.

And not once has anyone commented that these athletes are a drain on the healthcare system.

No one has complained about non-citizens and immigrants using our emergency services.

No one has complained about the "unhealthy lifestyle" Olympians engage in, and how all their totally preventable (if only they'd give up their hopes, dreams, passions, and jobs!) injuries are contributing to rising healthcare costs.

Funny that.

It's almost like there's some kind of zany double-standard at work in our national discourse!


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