Aren't liberals always talking about diversity? Well, where is it?! [applause] In reality, when liberals talk about diversity, they never mean offering students a wide variety of ideas, including conservative ones. Nope. Their diver—their version of diversity is, is bizarre.
For instance, at the University of Michigan, students can take a class on [says this as if it's the weirdest thing he's ever heard] Native American Feminism. [throws up his hands; audience laughter] There is also Cyber Feminism at Cornell University. And, uh, maybe my all-time favorite, the class at Occidental College which deconstructs what it means to be a feminist new black man. [audience laughter] Now, if you're wondering what just exactly is a feminist new black man, [audience laughter] think of a crossover between Ru Paul and Barney Frank. [audience laughter and applause]
—Jason Mattera, "spokesman for Young America's Foundation, a conservative group whose mission is to inspire America's youth with the principles of conservatism."
H/T to Shaker
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