Grab your barf-bags, Shakers...
"Sometimes I got carried away rallying the country. I think the swagger criticism was fair. A lot of others weren't. I hope I conveyed a sense that I was a lowly sinner who found redemption. I'm not better than anyone else. What makes me different from others is that I realized I needed help. I'm religious—I confess. One of the challenges in life is: Maintaining religious piety is harder when the pressure is off than when it is on. But now there is still a dependency in a greater grace."—Former President George Bush, at "a reunion breakfast that was the inaugural event for the Bush-Cheney Alumni Association." What a fun shindig that must have been.
"Hey—'member the time we outed a CIA operative?"
"Yeah! How 'bout that time we started a war of choice in Iraq?!"
"Good times."
"Them was the days, boys! Them was the days!"
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