In this one, credit where it's due: LJ's badgerbag did the first verse, and I picked it up from there. It's a self-deprecating little number, to the tune of Malvina Reynolds' Little Boxes. Posted, as ever, for my own amusement (and hopefully one or two others', too!).
Little bloggers on the internet
Little bloggers made of ticky boxes
Little bloggers making polls,
Little bloggers all the same!
There's some lolcats and a survey
and a meme that you've been tagged for
and they're all made out of ticky boxes
and they all look just the same!
And the bloggers on the Internet
All dropped out of university
Where they were put in classes
And expected not to game
Now they're slackers and waiters
And Starbucks baristas now
And they're all made out of ticky boxes
And they all look just the same
And they all play gothy music
And drink all their absinthes dry
And they don't have any children
But their cats have poets' names
And they all go down to Burning Man
Then home where they visit food banks
Where they get free food in boxes
And whinge loudly just the same
And the boys watch bukkake
And are glad that they have no family
Of children ticking ticky boxes
And their clothes look all the same
There's a black shirt and some black pants
And a trenchcoat which is also black
And some black Docs
And a black hat
And they all look just the same
Copyright CaitieCat 2009.
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