Limbaugh 'thanks God every day' for Obama's political problems:
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh said that he "thank[s] God every day" for the political difficulties facing President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh told Fox News in an interview to air on "Fox and Friends" tomorrow that the difficulties facing the president's agenda are in the best interests of the country.
Blah blah blabbity blah.
Limbaugh also drew some snickers for his dance moves this past weekend while serving as a judge at the Miss America pageant.
He told Fox's Gretchen Carlson, a former pageant winner, that he is "a huge supporter of women," and was impressed by the political knowledge of many of this year's contestants.
Limbaugh also suggested he could be "Mister America," if there ever were such a contest.
"[T]his is Miss America and if there is a Mr. America out there, it is me -- so this is a perfect fit!" he said.
Barf. Pbbbt. Fart.
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