Today in Not Fat-Hating!

Take it away, Ellen DeGeneres:
Ellen DeGeneres is tired of women thinking beauty is synonymous with being super-skinny.

...The CoverGirl spokeswoman's biggest frustration? Airbrushing.

"Women are looking at bodies like that and going, 'My stomach doesn't look like that. I'm supposed to look like that?!'" the talk show host, 52, says. "So they starve themselves and they work out like crazy."

She adds: "It's not important. We put the wrong emphasis on what beauty is and what health is. Health is being vibrant and having energy and being happy. If you're healthy, it's got nothing to do with how much you weigh."
Look at that: No fat-hating, no thin-hating, no deeming a singular body type as "normal," no discussion of "real women," no demonization of one segment of women in order to prop up another. This is Doing It Right.

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