I've decided I want to get my creativity working again. You might think it has been from the stuff I've written here, but that's just...warmups, mostly. And one of the best ways to get better at something is to do it. But how does one force creativity on-demand? By doing it! Weren't you listening?!
So, Caitie's Poetical Corner. I know Liss loves structured poetry as much as I do (we're both huge sonnet fangirls, for instance - I believe I posted my Star Wars in Sonnets here, didn't I?).
What I'm going to ask is this: you give me the ideas. Give me your suggestions for a song or a poem or a type of song or poem (either by name or by structure/genre/what have you), and the topic you want it on.
And by the following Monday, I'll come back to post at least one of your suggestions completed, maybe more if I'm feeling up to it. If you want a limerick about Darth Vader and Captain Jack meeting at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, I'm there. You want a villanelle on the suckiness of bipartisanship? Totally (if that's okay with all of you, that is, I don't want to take sides).
Doesn't have to be humourous, either: I wrote a sweet little love song for Zoe and Wash once, for instance. If it's a song you're wanting filked, post me a link to someone performing it (because believe me, as much as I know a lot of music, I'm well aware that there's plenty more I don't know, and the more recent, the more likely I don't).
Put my pen to the grindstone, Shakers: what do you want to see me write?
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