Caitie's Poetical Corner

Last week, I put out a call in this space for requests for structured poetry on topics of your choice. Well, here it is Monday morning - and being me, I've procrastinated.

But, I'm sitting down right now and making my poems, so you'll get 'em fresh off the keyboard. I started writing this at about 1030 Shakesville time, so you can get a sense of the live-ness of this.

So, we'll start where I started, which wasn't at the beginning. Oh no. We want to warm up to things. And where better to start than with ellen's request for a haiku about her crocuseseses (croci? croces? - or would that latter be Jim's relatives?):

sun, and crocus heads
springing from gritty snow-mud
needing a haiku

Ha-ha, self-referential poem is self-referential. Also, puns ftw.

Chicagojon misread ellen's request as a desire for a haiku about crocodiles blooming:

snow-mud erupting
springs crocodilic surprise
on nearby gard'ner

See? Sneaking in my nature/season references. :)

Onward! Ledasmom asked for "a Petrarchan sonnet, on conception."

A parent’s life is hard, it’s fair to say
Too often unintention’ly assumed
By those who could be ration’ly presumed
To know the means of keeping such at bay.

But youthful heads are hot, and they will play
Such play, in time, as leads to birthing rooms
And longer yet, results in baby booms
While condoms languish for another day.

O hear me o’er your racing hearts, o youth -
And be sure your pecker’s covered in its sheath;
Or maiden hear my pleading words of truth -
And take your pill before you lie beneath;
Be sure your love’s devotion echoes Ruth,
Ere life you unintention’lly bequeath.

I'm afraid I can't help with KellyLynne's request for a sonnet on Dr.Horrible, as I must admit I haven't seen it (hey, what can I say: I'm Geek Reformed, not Geek Orthodox).

Another sonnet request from karibean, this time "on Serenity". Now, I love Serenity - I think she's my favourite spaceship ever, so this is a work of love for me. I think we'll go Spenserian for this one, just for a change.

Her bright-lit eyes peer out into the black
While, warm inside, her people tend her needs;
Her silent passage leaves nor trail nor track,
Her steely shell protects life’s slender reeds.

Her Captain and First Mate’s heroic deeds,
In battle long ago for hopeless cause,
Now thankfully into the past recede,
While they skirt ‘round the harsh Alliance laws.

To keep her flying on, without a pause,
Her crew will use whatever comes to hand:
A jury-rig of baling-wire and gauze -
Well, nothing ever goes the way it’s planned.

She’ll fly so long as love is given free,
And proudly bear the name, Serenity.

Ledasmom suggested Harry Potter in limericks. My time's running short, so here it is in one:

A lad we'll call Riddle, for short,
Became evil Lord Voldemort.
Harry Potter he scarred,
Who then studied hard,
Then beat him (with lots of support).

Okay - that's all I've got time for today, but I've got a couple of sestinas (!) to do yet, and a rondeau, and an epic (!). I'll call for more ideas next week, and try to get the last few done. I may put a limit on how many I'll do in future. It's fun, but time-consuming!

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