Friday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by Shaxco, makers of Murderphat Denim Jumpsuits. Available in I Am Spartacus Indigo, Steampunk Abortion Robot Rose, Testerical Taupe, and Brown.

Women's Voices for Change: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: Author Rebecca Skloot on Race, Medical Research, and Ethics

meloukhia: I Critique Because I Care

The Medical Small Business Blog, via Prof-like Substance: 15 Female Scientists Who Changed the World

Dr. Isis: The Mythical Sunshine and Unicorns of University-Based Childcare

Samia: overpersonal rant, ACTIVATE
But you're going to be hard-pressed to make me feel guilty about genuinely not finding something entertaining. I mean, not laughing-- that's pretty passive, as far as criticism goes. What's the big deal? People tell me I shouldn't be taking offense at shit, but they're offended at my non-reaction? Interesting.
I want to ask people sometimes: if I'm such an oversensitive, hysterical snob, why do you care what I think or feel about anything at all? Why are you so upset?

abby jean at FWD/Forward: How to Frame the Accommodations Debate

The Permaculture Research Institute of Australia: Life at Zaytuna: Closing the Loop

NeuroLogica Blog: Treating Migraine with Magnetic Stimulation

The Band Next Door: The Night Terrors
When a band pulls out a theremin, you start paying attention, and that’s exactly what I did when I saw the The Night Terrors in Melbourne in June last year.

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