Shakers, let us now have a conversation about James Franco's TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE short story in Esquire: "Just Before the Black."
In 3,000 words, he manages to cram in racism, misogyny, homophobia, disablism, rape references, and some serious fat hatred. He literally uses the word fat nine times (nine times!) in 3,000 words, as well as "large," "blubbery," "lardass," "slug," and several charming metaphors like "his weight spreads from his belly across the seat, like it was a plastic sack full of liquid, rolling in layers upon itself."
And yet, somehow, I'm still most horrified by the fact that he included this line:
"The building is beige, but the shadows make it shadow-color."
Which I have literally been LOLLING about for like ten straight minutes.
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