U.S. researchers estimate that an 18 percent tax on pizza and soda can push down U.S. adults' calorie intake enough to lower their average weight by 5 pounds (2 kg) per year.OMFG FIVE POUNDS A YEAR! At that rate, I will reach my "ideal" weight by the year 2050! Wheeeeeeee!
I've previously addressed why these "obesity tax" proposals are bullshit, so I won't rehash the same shit again. But I will note this:
Number of non-diet sodas I've had this week: 0.
Number of pizza slices I've had this week: 0.
Number of non-diet sodas I will have next week, and probably the week after: 0.
Number of pizza slices I will have next week, and probably the week after: 0.
Still fat. Will still be fat next week, and the week after.
Obviously the only solution is taxing my dumbass taste buds, which apparently can't tell the difference between pizza and salad. Or something. That's right: TONGUEFAT!
[H/T to Shaker Danielle for the second article.]
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