I didn't see the interview discussed here, because I don't watch TV in the morning. But according to the article, President Obama "recognizes the movement involves 'folks who have legitimate concerns' about the national debt and whether the government is taking on too many difficult issues simultaneously."
As Liss and I discussed it this morning, she said "I guess it's easy to be magnanimous toward FUCKING TERRORISTS when you've got a 24/7 Secret Service detail. The rest of us? Not so fortunate."
Yeah, exactly. And as the article states "he said he didn't want to paint Tea Party activists 'in broad brushes' and he hopes to win over members who have 'mainstream, legitimate concerns.'"
Great. More of the same old shit.
No matter what Obama says or does, they will always hate him. And he tells them they've legitimate fucking concerns. No. No, they don't. And no matter how much you suck up to them, Mr. President, they'll always hate your stinking guts.
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