News from Shakes Manor

Email edition…

Liss: Can you view this video?

Iain: Uh-huh. I think Sophie would have fun with that.

Liss: You missed the fact that the three cats in the video looked uncannily like our three cats, didn't you?

Iain: No!

Liss: Wevs. You totally had no idea why I sent that to you, lololol!

Iain: Never — I totes knew why you were sending it before you did.

Liss: LOL! I'm blogging that.

Iain: Blog dis:

[Image of digital flip-off.]

Liss: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Oh, I'm really blogging THAT!

[Thanks to Shaker DesertRose for dropping the link to the video into comments.]

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