You've Turned Our Important Ball-Sport Into Ladybusiness!

It's really too bad this article is riddled with gendered clichés, sexist puns, and intersectionally offensive turns of phrase ("brain burka"—seriously?!), because otherwise it makes some excellent points about the virtual media blackout after Kelly Kulick made history in January by becoming the first woman ever to win a Professional Bowlers Association Tour title.

Like, for example, pointing out that the few male sportswriters who are writing about Kulick's win are serving up bullshit like this delightful observation, care of FanHouse's David Whitley: "Rule No. 1 in determining whether an activity is a sport: If the best female in the world can beat the best male in the world, it doesn't qualify."

Because there is no full-time women's tour, Kulick competed against the men—and as soon as she won by a resounding 70 pins, suddenly it's not a sport anymore. Of course.

It's great that Rick Reilly is in Kulick's corner, and if it hadn't been for his writing about her, I might not have heard about her, either. But I wish he'd managed to do it without engaging many of the same tropes that are fueling the very treatment of Kulick he rightly bemoans.

[H/T to Iain.]

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