Be Everything! Be Nothing!

Renee emailed me the link to this article, "A Case for Those Extra 10 Pounds," with the amusing summary: "Apparently it's okay to be a little bit fat but the 'real fatties' are still going to die."

"Be fat—but not too fat!"


File Alongside: "Don't be too tall—or too short!" And "Be pretty—but not too pretty!" And "Be smart—but not too smart!" And "Be sexually available to men—but don't be a slut!" And "Hey, white girls, get tan—and hey, brown girls, bleach your skin!" And "Hey, black girl, don't 'act so black'—but make sure you still 'act black' enough or else we'll accuse you of 'acting white'!" And "Don't try to be like a man in the workplace—but definitely don't behave like a woman!" And "Don't be too feminine or you won't be taken seriously—but don't be too butch or you will be mocked or ignored!" And "Hey, trans girls, you'd better try to pass—but don't reinforce the gender binary!" And "Have kids—but not too many!" And "Care about your appearance—but don't focus too much on your looks, or we'll accuse you of being shallow!" And…

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