Wednesday: "Pope Promises to Confront Sexual Abuse Crisis."
Today: "Vatican says sex abuse suit lacks merit."
The Vatican said a lawsuit accusing it and Pope Benedict XVI of covering up sexual abuse by a priest at a Catholic school in the United States has no merit.Uh-huh. This is in response to the case in which "the effort to dismiss Father Murphy [who molested as many as 200 deaf boys] came to a sudden halt after the priest appealed to Cardinal Ratzinger for leniency."
"While legitimate lawsuits have been filed by abuse victims, this is not one of them," Vatican lawyer Jeffrey Lena said Friday. "Instead, the lawsuit represents an attempt to use tragic events as a platform for a broader attack."
Two hundred children. And the Church's response is to claim the lawsuit is just a bit of opportunism by those survivors to launch an attack on them.
The profundity of my contempt is indescribable.
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