This, too, is a Real Thing in The World

If you just can't seem to figure out what to do with yourself lately, I highly recommend watching the Hummingbird Nest Cam at Ustream.

If you have a free Ustream account, you can also chat with the avid hummingbird watchers there.

When my Beloved found this cam and I started watching, I entered the following into the chat: "I will now officially get NOTHING done -- into perpetuity."

A regular chatted back: "Heh. Welcome to the Dirty House Club."

For facts about the cam and the birds, visit HERE for such amazing tidbits as "the nest is about the size of a golf ball, with eggs being about the size of a tic-tac candy". Phoebe is currently sitting on two tic-tacs, which should hatch sometime in May.

Yay, Hummingbirds!

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