In Calhoun County, Alabama, around two dozen seniors at Oxford High School "were disciplined for violating the dress code at her school's prom Saturday. The students in violation were allowed to stay at the prom, but the following week, each was given the option of receiving corporal punishment or accepting a three-day suspension from school, Oxford principal Trey Holladay said."
Based on the article, it appears that most (all?) of those disciplined students were girls whose dresses were deemed "too revealing."
Aunt B notes the obvious problem here:
You let grown adults spank young teenager women for being too sexy? I'm going to spare you the feminist parsing of this sexualized violence against these girls (others will get to it I'm sure). Let's just stick to the obvious.Slut-shaming with actual spanking?! Prediction: The marching band fundraiser this year will be for the Oxford High School Legal Defense Fund.
You let grownups touch the asses of girls you've identified as too sexy?
Let me repeat, you have grownups in your school systems who will willingly touch the asses of underage girls as punishment for them being too sexy.
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