(trigger warning - seriously transphobic language is used in this link)
Cause really, I can't say it much better than that.
The Washington Times proves the increasing irrelevance of print media, killing a few thousand trees to print hateful bigotry and make the astonishing claim, in the Land of the Free and Home of the Theoretically All-Created-Equal, that discrimination based on gender identity is A Good Thing.
A hate-filled rag, which I wouldn't use to stuff menstrual pads for monkeys, written by contemptuous and contemptible hacks.
Tip of the CaitieCap to Shaker the_pixie_mouse.
Edit: Shaker catvoncat provides us with a link to an antidote to this vitriolic scumwave: I am a transsexual. Well said, Mr. Kehrli (and my apologies for the misgendering, too).
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