In an offensive legal segment Tuesday evening Bill O'Reilly of the Fox New's O'Reilly Factor commented on the American Eagle decision to reverse its anti-trans policy. He made the offensive suggestion that "men who dress like Dolly Parton can be protected" and asked whether "people who dress like ewoks also deserve workplace protections?"Yo Bill: Lord Fuckley St.Fuckington of Fuckingtonshire called, and said, "Wtfsup, bro?
Because clearly, a belief that one is a woman is pretty much exactly equivalent, in ORLY's mind, to a belief that one is an imaginary furry creature from a galaxy far far away and long long ago. Subtract the same from both sides, and one could come to the conclusion that Bill O'Reilly has a difficulty distinguishing women from Ewoks. Which suggests that Mr. ORLY needs to spend some quality time with an optometrist, for a start, and perhaps a little time with a pshrink on that "can't tell small fuzzy aliens from females of my own species" problem.
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