A bunch of people have emailed me to let me know they're still having problems commenting, and though I've responded to each of them individually, I thought I'd better post an update...
It seems that key features of Disqus' upgrade are not backwards compatible, so you may be having problems with the form, or getting logged out after leaving a comment, if you're not using the most current version of your browser. Updating your browser, if you can, should solve some of those problems.
I'm also aware that the direct links to comments aren't working when you click on a "reply to" link, and, as you've no doubt noticed, the text in comments remains terribly small, because we are currently unable to customize our CSS to fix it.
We do have a help ticket in with Disqus to hopefully resolve these issues ASAP, but we've not heard back from them yet.
Again, my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.
UPDATE: And I have no idea why comments are occasionally loading looking like total garbage. This is what we ought to be seeing, but threads are sometimes inexplicably loading looking like this or this. Again, I'm sorry that commenting's such a mess at the moment.
Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
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