Daily Dose o' Cute

"What? I totally fit in here!"

So, after a week with Dudley now, I cannot begin to convey how much I love this guy. If I'd had the chance to custom-order a dog out of a catalog of awesome dogitude, I don't know that I could have come up with a specimen as tremendous as he is.

Dudz is slowly coming out of his shell, getting more playful with us, and he's starting to trust me more very quickly. (We're already on Day 3 of no submissive piddling—touch wood!) He's still showing no interest, besides a general curiosity, in the cats, with whom he's happy to share food and water and treats; he's great with other dogs and with kids; we're currently having a massive thunderstorm, and he hasn't so much as flinched during the crashing and booming thunder.

So, basically, he's a GOOD BOY! But more than that, he's just such a gentle, empathic, sweet soul. I know every dog owner in the world says this (so welcome me to the ginormous club), but there's something really special about this pup.

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