Daily Dose o' Cute

Seriously, how am I supposed to get any work done, when I've got this tremendous display of irresistible cuteness lying right in front of me?

"Rub my belleh!"

Resistance is futile. Of course I had to rub the belleh! What have I got—a heart of fucking stone?!

[Bonus Dudz below…]

It's so cold and rainy here today. I could not coax Dudz out of his bed for his midday potty, and getting him outside was like pulling teeth. (He's lazy enough on a sunny day, no less when it's pissing down outside!) We both got all rained on when we went out, and when we came in, I dried him off and he crawled up in his little bed. He still looked all shivery, so I covered him with a blanket.

"Thank you, Two-Legs!"

He's now tucked his head under the blanket and is fast asleep.

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