It's a big bag of shut up.
I hope it will help you keep your stupid fucking AIDS "jokes" to yourself.
So I'm walking through the airport and people were kinda being nice and making eye contact and a couple come up and say hello. This one person runs up all excited and I'm prepared to say "Hello," and he says, "Senator Bayh! Senator Bayh!"And that goes double for your pathetic justifications. No, voting "for AIDS funding and all sorts of things" and supporting "all sorts of things in terms of equality and lifestyle and that sort of thing" (which is a bullshit claim to make when you don't even support marriage equality) does not entitle you to make punny "jokes" about having AIDS/aides. Cripes.
I said, "Well, yes?" and he looked at me and said, "Do you have AIDS?" [nervous laughter and gasps from the audience] I said, "Huh?" He said, "Yeah. Do you have AIDS?" I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say. He said, "I've got a letter I want to give you, do you have someone I can hand this to? Do you have an aide with you?" [audience laughter] So you never know what people are going to say. [audience laughter]
Seriously, good riddance, you bozo.
Btw, a special shout-out of steely contempt to Indiana state Democratic party chair Dan Parker who said the Indiana Stonewall Democrats, who walked out of the dinner at which the joke was delivered, were "overreacting" and that any offense was "obviously unintentional."
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