what is the best and/or worst birthday present you've ever gotten?
I can't think of any offhand that were really terrible. The best is easy. Eight years ago today, Iain and I were living in Edinburgh, and he surprised me by whisking me away to the charming little restaurant at which we'd had our very first date, and then to an absolutely splendid hotel, which had been arranged for by my sneaky and fabulous girlfriend Miller, who also saw that there were champagne and strawberries waiting for us, as well. They planned the whole thing without my ever cottoning on, which is no small feat.
And in our lovely room, he proposed to me (even though we had already gotten the fiancé visa, so it was truly a done deal).
It was a really wonderful evening, and what I remember most about it is how handsome Iain looked in his charcoal suit, and how nervous he was, even though I had already agreed to marry him in notarized paperwork submitted to the US government, lol.
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