Armed Services Republicans threatened Wednesday to filibuster the defense authorization bill if it comes to the floor with Democrat-backed language repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.When he says he's going to "support the men and women of the military," naturally he means only the straight ones.
Armed Services ranking member John McCain said Thursday that he would "without a doubt" support a filibuster if the bill goes to the floor with repeal language.
"I'll do everything in my power," the Arizona Republican said, citing letters from the four service chiefs urging Congress not to act before a Pentagon review of the policy is complete. "I'm going to do everything I can to support the men and women of the military and to fight what is clearly a political agenda."
Armed Services committee member Senator Roger Wicker (R-etrogradefuckneck), also threatened to filibuster the repeal.
These are the people with whom President Obama insists there is common ground, despite their continual insistence on roadblocking every attempt at progress the Democrats try to make.
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