Speaking of Bipartipoop…

Obama's afternoon tea with Senate Republicans appears to be the impetus for his splendid new border proposal: You scratch my SCOTUS nominee; I'll scratch your costly and demonstrably ineffective exercise in racism down by the border. Or something.
Obama called on Republicans to … support his Supreme Court pick, Solicitor General Elena Kagan, and join him to advance immigration reform and energy and climate change legislation.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told Obama that he must first secure the border with Mexico before Republicans will support a comprehensive reform package, according to GOP lawmakers in the meeting.
And then when Obama promised 1,200 troops, McCain immediately criticized it as insufficient. Because THAT'S WHAT REPUBLICANS DO.

And because Obama has some kind of pavlovian pander response to Republican mendacity, he will almost certainly spend next week figuring out how to win over the coveted pro-Rand Paul vote.
Obama told Republicans that we would be willing to meet them halfway or 75 percent of the way on some of the big issues remaining on his agenda.

When they pressed him to support specific GOP-favored proposals, he repeatedly said he is constrained because of pressure from his party’s liberal base.
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