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Recommended Reading:
The 99: Islamic Superheroes!
- I am totally in love with this, and will be downloading the whole series when I can afford it.
Renee at Womanist Musings: Tea Party Member Rand Paul Wants to Abolish The Americans With Disabilities Act
- There's a reason Renee shows up in almost every blogaround here: high-quality work, and lots of it.
Climate Progress: BP's dispersants are toxic - but not as toxic as dispersed oil
- Sure is nice to have that smaller government, ain't it, Reaganites? I mean, those extra few bucks every year that could have been spent on actual oversight were so much more useful being put in your SUV's tank and burnt for a trip to the convenience store 300 metres away...
The Sexist: Feminine performance and thinking of the children
- Excellent feminist analysis of reaction to a video of girls dancing to a very sexual song, and related trends.
The Mongoose Chronicles: The version of your body currently running is not bedroom compatible
- One of Barbados' best, on gym marketing to women
Alas, A Blog: If Iranian lesbian Kiana Firouz is deported from the UK, she faces certain death in Iran
- Includes a link to a petition.
The Thang Blog: Asserting identity in the hospital
- Rebecca posts about having to assert her identity while dealing with the medical care system. This rang so true for me - how many times I avoided hospitals for exactly the same reason. I once cut a ring off my own allergy-swollen finger, with a rotary tool, using my left hand (I'm very right-handed), because I didn't want to go to the hospital and face being misidentified all night.
Tami, of What Tami Said, at Psychology Today: Ending racism starts with accepting bias
- This should be required reading for anyone who's ever defensively shouted "But I'm not a racist!"...and maybe for the rest of us too.
Deeply Problematic: Brave teen fights back against transphobic school administration
- But hey, ENDA? Who needs that kinda "special rights" bullshit, amirite?
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1 United Nations Organization for Helping DoucheCanoes To Recognize the Difference Between Women and Ewoks.
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