What a Difference a Score Makes

[Trigger warning for stalking.]

Below is a trailer for the film 500 Days of Summer reimagined as a "thriller," i.e. a film in which Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character is recast as a nefarious stalker who targets Zooey Deschanel's character after she dumps him. What's interesting about it, of course, is that the scenes aren't really recut to look like a totally different movie; it's just got a creepy score instead of some charming indie single laid over it. And that makes it a pretty awesome commentary on the oft-discussed stalking-as-courtship trope, which features centrally in so many romantic comedy films.

[A transcript really wouldn't be of any use here, since the video is almost entirely free of dialogue. The paraphrase is as above: Scenes of a romance, a break-up, and the commencement of stalking by a profoundly unhappy jilted dude.]

[Related: If you have not read Sady's post on 500 Days of Summer, you should, and it is here.]

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