Didn't see that coming, didja?
According to the Associated Press, Skelton told reporters that repeal of the policy could put families in a difficult position because it could prompt children to ask about homosexuality.Yes, Jebus forbid kids ask questions about homosexuality. You know, when they come back from battle or boot camp or whatever, because apparently 7-year-olds are in the military right know, so they'll totally see tons of queerz in the barracks.
“What do mommies and daddies say to their 7-year-old child?” he asked.
Skelton, one of the 26 Democrats who opposed repeal in the House, added that his “biggest concern are the families.”
Having openly LGBTQ folks in the military is what puts the issue right in front of kid's faces, folks. Not, you know, fighting the repeal tooth and nail, making it an "election issue," and forcing the topic into every news broadcast, every newspaper, every news website, etc. etc. etc. Apparently, that would be how you hide the subject. We can't have kids asking questions. Dangerous questions. Those lead to thoughts.
Tell you what, Skelton. When you can discuss parents without referring to them as "mommies and daddies" as if you were addressing a room full of preschoolers, rather than a room full of reporters; when you recognize that queer folks have families too (and that some "traditional" families aren't populated with homophobes), maybe I'll give you the time of day.
Of course, you'll still be wrong...
(Transcript: Helen Lovejoy from The Simpsons cries, "Won't someone please think of the children?!?)
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