Blog note: Bread and Teaspoons

Not sure whether it's been much noticed, but I haven't made a B&T post in a few weeks. This is largely because it has seemed to me to be less and less attended, thus making me wonder if it is now past its time, but as with anything else to do with me, depression and physical pain and money stress* (poverty, in case it wasn't clear, sucks large rocks through small hoses) have had their roles to play as well.

I could start it up again, if people wanted, or make changes (maybe less often? maybe different posting guidelines? adding topics for discussion?), but I think as presently constituted, it's just not feeling easy to keep going.

Anyone got any thoughts, or do we just put it gracefully to bed as an idea that didn't quite work?

* It's hard not to feel somewhat irresponsible for putting time and effort into a labour of love (such as Shakesville is for me), when my business isn't making enough to live on as yet. This is tied into very old stuff for me, about my parents' narrative of me as selfish and irresponsible for transitioning.

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