Blackhawks President John McDonough is rerouting the Stanley Cup from the NHL draft in L.A. to the parade Sunday . . . and Blackhawk defenseman Brent Sopel has volunteered to represent the team.The Chicago Cubs will also participate in the parade, with "the first float sponsored by any major Chicago sports team," atop which will ride Super Cubbie Ernie Banks to represent the team, who are playing during the parade.
"I am honored to do it," said Sopel, who will be accompanied by wife, Kelly, and his four kids.
...[McDonough] has arranged for the Stanley Cup to be flown back from the National Hockey League draft in Los Angeles 15 hours early. "It's important for the city and important for the franchise. ... The Stanley Cup has become the biggest celebrity of all. It has its own personality and charm. We will be proud to participate in the parade. And Brent Sopel is one of the truly great guys. To have the cup part of the parade is just another great part of the celebration."
Rock on, Chicago.
[H/T to Shaker Ethyl.]
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