"Get Back to Normal"

It's just suddenly hit me why the commercial for Tylenol Rapid Release bugs me so much. It's always about various apparently TAB people taking a couple of OTC pain meds, and being able to "get back to normal", as the repetitive jingle has it.

Y'know...pain is the normal for me. On Sunday, for the first time in I really, really can't remember how long, I woke up, and my meds were able to give me a day that was more or less painfree (I played soccer later, and was so much more mobile I actually made my knees hurt the next day). It was, honestly, glorious.

But that's not my usual day. My usual day is:

1 Wake up.
2 Take pills.
3 Wait.
4 Try to stand.
5 If not standing, go to 2.
6 Do some activity.
7 Get horizontal for a while, then go to 2.
8 Feed self.
9 Do some activity.
10 Get horizontal for a while, then go to 2; if it is past 02h, skip this step next time and go to 12 instead.
12 Sleep for a while, til the meds wear off.

That's normal for me, Tylenol. So thanks for putting a commercial on my TV that reminds me on a daily basis how abnormal I am, because hey, no healthy amount of your product will let me approach the normal you show.

But I'm sure the majority of people taking your meds aren't people with differently-abled bodies, right? After all, who could expect any of us to maybe need pain meds?

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