I Think I Need a Fedora Now

So, this weekend I'll be in Toronto, attending OXFAM's Gender Justice Summit 2010 on your behalf, as a blogger from Shakesville. I get a Media badge and everything. Though, sadly, I have no fedora in which to stick a card with the big letters P R E S S, as generations of movies have taught me is the standard garb of the ink-stained wretch. I will have to dress, instead, as a pixel-stained wretch, I suppose.

Well, I'll be at the Saturday morning and afternoon, and the Sunday morning. Physically, that's all I can manage. And at the rally on Saturday afternoon. And I'll be taking along my camera, and my laptop (though I don't tweet, being no kind of small bird, and thus you must wait until Monday for my report, unless I have the energy on Saturday night).

What I want from you, Shakers, is for you to have a look at the program linked above, and let me know which of the offerings (from Saturday morning to Sunday lunch) I should attend - which ones are you most interested in hearing from/about?

I'm open to whichever you would rather I went to, if you have a preference. If you don't, I'll probably pick the one with the fewest attendees.

If you happen to be attending the conference yourself, or will be in the area of Ryerson University and want to maybe get a quick bevvy, e-mail me, and we'll see if we can manage it. Or you can take your chance and wander around. I'm not hard to spot, as not that many folk use canes, and the other people that do rarely wear stripey knee socks.

That's my weekend, anyway. :)

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